Stannard Silcock - 1929 to 2015
Sad news reached the Old Princethorpians on Wednesday 4 March that former Princethorpe teacher Stannard Silcock, had passed away earlier that day at the age of 85. Stannard or Stan taught RE, English and Maths at the College between 1979 and 1983 but was particularly renowned for his cricket and rugby coaching skills. He left the College to go back to his native South Africa to the role of Headmaster at the first multi-racial school.
The news brought forth a flood of tributes, messages of condolence and support from past colleagues and pupils for Stan's daughter and son, Catherine and Donald, both Old Princethorpians.
Here are just a few of them:
A truly wonderful man who kept you hanging on to his every word. His life time stories fascinated me and I was so very lucky to have had him as a teacher. He brought light into the classroom and inspiration to those around him. God Bless Stan Silcock and his family. A sad time and my thoughts are with you all - Andy Lucas 78-85
I am saddened to learn that Mr Silcock is no longer with us. He was a much loved teacher, and a great man. I looked up to him. Finbarr Roche-Kelly
Very sad news, Stan was a lovely caring man. Bernie Moroney
Very sad news. What an inspirational man. RIP Stanx Nic Rae
Stan's funeral Mass took place at Christ Prince of Peace RC Church Portmore Park Way, Weybridge, on Friday 13 March 2015 and was followed by the crematorium in Kingston on Thames and a wake at the Old Crown Pub in Weybridge, Surrey.
His ashes were scattered on the beautiful Cromer cliffs on the day that would have been his 86th birthday - Saturday 18 April.
Our sincere condolences go to Cat and Don. May he rest in peace.