Alumni News

Melanie Butler Hands Over Day To Day OP Reins To Caroline Spencer

In addition to her busy day job as Foundation Director of Marketing, Admissions and Communications, Melanie Butler is also the Old Princethorpians' Secretary, a role she has held for some 15 years. She has been instrumental in the development of the OPs Association, supporting friendraising and the OPs Committee with great energy and enthusiasm. Over the years, many OPs will have enjoyed an alumni event, read with interest the OP newsletter, or reconnected with old friends through the OP network, all of which will have been facilitated and co-ordinated by Melanie.

As the Foundation has developed, Melanie's role within the Foundation has broadened too, with the addition of the Crescent School and a wider remit including a growing emphasis on supporting the strategic direction of the organisation working alongside Foundation Principal, Ed Hester. 

Last year, the Foundation appointed an Alumni Relations and Development Officer, Caroline Spencer, to strengthen and support connections with Old Princethorpians and our wider alumni community. Now two terms into her new job, we are pleased to share that Caroline will be taking over the day-to-day alumni relations activity from Melanie, though Melanie will still have a hand in the strategic direction of OPs and will still be part of the OPs Committee. In particular, Caroline will be organising events, co-ordinating and supporting alumni interactions with the College and managing the OPs social media accounts.

Melanie comments, "Working with the OPs and getting to know so many over the years has been one of the most joyful and personally satisfying parts of my work at Princethorpe over the last 18 years. There have been so many memorable highlights from the Summer Suppers and Pub Meets, to the Hong Kong Reunion, our Golden Jubilee Year and our Careers Fairs. Whilst I will not be as involved on a day to day basis with activity, I will make sure to come along to OP events and will keep a watchful eye over the direction of the association, as it continues to go from strength to strength."

Caroline adds, “I can’t believe I have been here for nearly two terms now. Thank you to Melanie and all my colleagues for making me feel so welcome and for helping me to settle in so happily. Thank you also to the many OPs I've met so far, in person or online, your generosity and kindness has really helped me feel part of the OP family as I've made my first efforts to get to know you all. I am looking forward to getting to know many more of you, and to strengthening all our alumni’s connections with their old schools.”

Bumper Turnout For London Meet 2024

On Friday 27 September, the Old Princethorpians' London Meet took place at The Clachan on Kingly Street, a unique city centre pub with a rich history, tucked just behind the iconic Liberty's.

For this well-established annual OP event, it was a bumper turnout comprising an enthusiastic and diverse crowd of over 40 OPs from across the decades. In fact, every decade from the 1970s to the 2020s was represented, with the Class of 2018 being the specific year group with the largest number of OP representatives.

Guests were greeted warmly by the Princethorpe contingent, which included OPs Secretary Melanie Butler, Alumni Relations and Development Officer Caroline Spencer, Foundation Bursar Eddie Tolcher and Assistant Head Neil McCollin. Former longstanding and much-loved teacher and Assistant Head, Alex Darkes, was also in attendance. For more on the evening, and additional photos, please visit the News page on Princethorpe Connect.

We are always looking for suggestions for our next London Meet venue, so if you can suggest a good pub with a function room, in a good location, please email

Our next OPs Pub Meet is the Local Meet, taking place closer to Princethorpe on Friday 7 March 2025, venue TBC, and you can register your interest on our Events page when it goes live, or by emailing

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New Faces At The OPs Committee Meeting

On Tuesday 10 September, we were delighted to welcome members of the Old Princethorpian Committee for the first meeting of this academic year.

Alongside the returning members, to whom we are grateful for their continued service, we welcome some new faces to the group, in an effort to broaden our representation of the interests across the Princethorpe Foundation. With a vision to represent each Foundation school and as many decades of the schools' history as possible, we are pleased to introduce the OP Committee as listed below:

Continuing Members: Nick Brosnan, Alex Darkes, James Davies, Nigel Denton, Peter Griffin, Ed Hunter, Charlie Lawton, Peter Rollason, Melissa Symonds, Mary Wheildon, and Emma White.

New Members: Laura Brazier (Class of 2014), Nigel Bromley (Class of 1985), Chris Cattle (Class of 1980), Lottie Jones (Class of 2014), Toni Reszka (Class of 1970), Libby Williams (Class of 2014) and Tom Gleghorn (Class of 2000).

The Committee will be aided by the staff team, comprising Melanie Butler (OPs Secretary), Caroline Spencer (Alumni Relations and Development Officer), Ed Hester (Foundation Principal), Grove du Toit (Princethorpe Headmaster), Eddie Tolcher (Foundation Bursar), Steve Kowal (Foundation Development Director), and Jacqui Quinney (Princethorpe Head of Careers).

The vision and direction of the OP Committee is evolving in response to the Alumni Strategic Pillars Workshop which took place on 30 April 2024 (see OP Newsletter, Lent 2024, for the write up of that event), so that its work derives from five foundational pillars. These are: 

1. Communication, Connectivity and Inclusivity

2. Careers, Networking and Volunteering

3. Engagement, Events and Hospitality

4. Development and Philanthropy

5. OP Leadership and Responsibilities

Each committee member gives their focus to one of the Pillars according to their interest or skillset, to help drive and support that programme of activity, but through termly meetings the committee will very much act, ultimately, as one team in the interests of the wider OP community.

We would like to thank all members of the committee for giving their time and talents so generously. It bodes well for the future of the alumni association and the continuance of a mutually beneficial relationship with all our schools.

If you would like to get involved in the work of the OP Committee, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at

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St Mary's Priory Reunion A Special Day

On Saturday 7 September, we were delighted to welcome to the College some of the ‘Old Girls’ from St Mary’s Priory, the school on the Princethorpe site run by Benedictine nuns before the College was founded. The group are affectionately known to us as ‘Very Special Old Princethorpians' (VSOPs).

We welcomed them warmly and over tea, coffee and pastries our guests enjoyed catching up and sharing memories with their former schoolmates and friends. One such memory was about the high standards of discipline they had to maintain, with a former pupil recalling how she had to spend her evenings for two weeks cleaning the gymnasium, as punishment for talking in the corridor!

Their day unfolded happily with the chance to pore over a presentation and archive display arranged by our Archivist, Jo Wong, a Zoom call to allow more distant VSOPs to join in the reunion, lunch, a guided tour of the College, and a special Mass conducted by Father Teddy O'Brien MSC.

You can read the full write up and see more photos on Princethorpe Connect here.

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Honours Shared At OPs Vs College Sports Day

It was wonderful to host our OPs vs College Sports Day at Princethorpe on Saturday 31 August, and to welcome so many familiar faces back to the school. This popular annual fixture traditionally kicks off both the College’s sporting calendar and the Old Princethorpians’ social calendar for the year ahead.

The Football started the morning off in good spirits, with the College First XI participating in the day for the first time; strengthened by some staff members, they gained a victory over the OP team.

Next up was the mixed Hockey game and it was fabulous to see full teams playing in the spirit of the game. Whilst the more experienced OPs took the victory, the College pupils got some valuable game time in before their season starts.

Moving on to Netball, where there were three teams playing, the College's team secured victory with an outstanding performance against an OP team from 2024. The College then followed this up with a victory against an OP team from 2023; these wins showing that this team could be set for success this year.

The OPs vs College First XV John Shinkwin Trophy match produced an entertaining match, with a strong OP team of leavers from 2023 and 2024 taking the victory. The young College team showed promise for what could be a good season ahead.

The results of the matches were as follows:

  • Football – Staff 6 vs OPs 4
  • Netball – College 12 vs OPs 2023 7
  • Netball – College 10 vs OPs 2024 5
  • Netball – OPs 2024 2 vs OPs 2023 11
  • Mixed Hockey – College 1 vs OPs 4
  • Rugby – College 15 vs OPs 46

Lee Cassell, Foundation Director of Sport, commented, "It was fantastic to see so many OPs returning to play in some very competitive games and it was great to see the College First XI being included for the first time. The day showed the true spirit of the Princethorpe community and gave staff, pupils, OPs and parents the opportunity to watch plenty of entertaining matches over the course of the day.”

He continued, “A huge well done to all those who played and made the day so special. We look forward to seeing you all again next year on Saturday 30 August 2025 at the next OPs vs College Sports Day."

Thanks to all the players, supporters, organisers and caterers for making the day such a lovely, relaxed affair, and to A-level Music student Robyn Shaw for performing live during the day.

For more photos from the day, visit Princethorpe Connect.

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Four OPs Have Joined The College's Staff Team

This autumn, the Foundation is delighted to have welcomed back to the fold a number of former pupils and staff. It’s lovely to see that the lure of Princethorpe remains strong and to witness the Foundation’s Spirit of Family ethos in action.

Two OPs, Katherine Hester (Class of 2016) and Phoebe Tankard (Class of 2019) are taking part in the College’s School Led teacher training programme, teaching English and Biology respectively. They have been joined on the scheme by former Graduate Teaching Assistant, Sam Harding, who worked at the College last year, who has returned to train to teach PE.

Then, OP Sion Murphy (Class of 2020) is back at Princethorpe working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.

It is fabulous to see such deeply rooted strong ties evident in our community. We wish all our returning OPs and staff a very happy and successful year.   

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OPs Summer Supper Reunion 2024

The sun shone to welcome OPs to the Summer Supper Reunion on Friday 28 June 2024. A record number gathering to reconnect and reminisce.

Representatives from the classes of 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014 returned for their respective 50th, 40th, 30th, 20th and 10th anniversaries of leaving, and in one case an OP was celebrating his 60th anniversary of starting at Princethorpe in 1964! These guests were joined by a smattering of OPs from other years, as well as former and current staff, and it was lovely to see such a broad representation of the college's history.

The evening started with an optional tour of school that visited historic areas such as the Chapel, the Library, the Cloister corridors and the Roundhouse, along with the newer Limes Building and Sixth Form Centre and the most recent addition to the site, the Science Centre.

After a Drinks Reception in the Quad, the group was warmly welcomed by Foundation Principal, Ed Hester, and invited to take their seats in the Refectory. Fr Alan Whelan MSC said Grace and the refectory became a hubbub of chatter and laughter as guests sat amongst their peers from the same or similar leaving decade. The gathered OPs happily caught up and reminisced over a delicious three course meal. Conversations were bolstered by a rolling powerpoint prepared by our Archivist, Jo Wong, which featured images of many of the attendees, taken from year books, prize giving programmes and the College’s magazine, The Tower.

After dinner, Ed Hester spoke to the assembled gathering about developments at the College, particularly regarding new initiatives in both Development and Alumni engagement across the Foundation.

It was a really lovely evening where we very much enjoyed catching up with our community, hearing about former pupils' achievements and their future plans.

For more pictures and a full write up visit Princethorpe Connect.

Thanks go to our wonderful catering team, the OPs Committee and all who contributed to the success of the event. We will shortly begin planning for the 2025 Summer Supper Reunion, which will be aimed at leavers of 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015, and will take place on Friday 27 June 2025. 

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Upper Sixth Celebrate The End Of Their Time At Princethorpe

Princethorpe’s Upper Sixth celebrated the end of the examination season and their time at Princethorpe with a beautiful Thanksgiving Eucharist and a fabulous farewell ball. It was one last chance for them to gather to reminisce over their time at the College, the friends they have made and the many adventures they have had along the way.

Parents and students came together on Tuesday 25 June to mark the end of their Princethorpe journey with a moving Eucharist service in the Chapel followed by a buffet supper afterwards in their home for the last two years, the Sixth Form Centre.

Their Upper Sixth Leavers’ Ball took place one week later on Tuesday 2 July at Warwick House in Southam. The students smartly attired in black tie and ball gowns enjoyed a sparkling reception, followed by a delicious sit-down dinner, much anticipated speeches and then dancing until dark.
Both were joyous occasion with lots of laughter, shared memories and plans for the future.

Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie said, “We wish all the Upper Sixth the very best as they move on from Princethorpe. We very much hope that they all keep in touch and come back to tell their teachers and future pupils all about their fascinating endeavours and achievements.”

Photos from the ball are available on Princethorpe Connect.

Rob Was Our Summer Cream Tea Prize Draw Winner

Our Princethorpe Connect Summer Prize Draw winner was OP Rob Mackenzie (Class of 2012), who took safe delivery of a delicious Prosecco Cream Tea hamper back in June.

Rob updated us on how he has been faring over the last few years:

"I currently reside in Stratford-upon-Avon, where I've been since the summer of 2022. After spending a few years working as a flotilla skipper in the Mediterranean, I returned to the UK to pursue my commercial flight training. I’m now based at London Heathrow with BA, flying the Airbus A320.

Last summer, I completed my MSc. in Aviation Management at UWL, and I’m continuing my studies at Cranfield University, where I'm in the early stages of a PhD focused on Causal Machine Learning in Aerospace. I still keep in touch with several friends from my time at Princethorpe from my graduating class."

It was good to hear things are going well for Rob, and by the looks of it there was enough cream tea treats for you to enjoy!

Princethorpe Connect is our growing online alumni network, currently numbering over 1,600 active members. Why not sign up here to keep in touch with developments and events, receive the OP e-newsletter and to network with fellow alumni and members of staff? 

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OP Friendly Faces Continues To Help The Next Generation

This autumn, we have been busy matching OP Friendly Faces with our recent Upper Sixth Leavers who have headed off to university. The scheme recruits Old Princethorpians who are in their second or third year at the same university to act as point of contact or mentor for the new OP. They offer a friendly, familiar face to meet up with over a coffee and a bite to eat, or share insights about student life in the city. Feedback from the growing number of Friendly Face mentees indicates that having someone to contact in their new university town or city, especially someone with the shared history of being a Princethorpe student, makes for a smoother transition in those first few weeks away from home.

We have successfully matched a record number of leavers so far, at universities including Bath, Nottingham, Oxford Brookes and Sheffield, amongst others. In fact, we have our first Match Meet-up of the year taking place this weekend: OP and former Head of School Pratheesh Prabakaran has become a Friendly Face this year and is meeting up with new OP Dom Lee, in their shared university city of Bristol.

Many thanks to all the Friendly Faces supporting this initiative; it really does make a difference and reflects the Spirit of Family that epitomises Princethorpe.

For all those starting university this year, here are some top tips from those who have experienced it first-hand:

1. Join a sports club or society. This is an amazing way to meet new people who share the same hobby or interest, and will integrate you perfectly into the university experience.

2. It may be tempting to pack everything you own when preparing for university but really you should only take the essentials - rooms in student halls tend to be quite small!

3. Attend your university's Freshers Fair! It's the best way to discover what your university is offering, and there are local businesses trying to grab your attention and so usually hand out loads of freebies.

4. Plan a weekly budget. With the cost of living increasing, it's a good idea to track your money and know what you will be prioritising when it comes to spending.

5. Learn how to cook the basics. It is far cheaper than constantly buying ready meals or takeaways.

6. Facebook groups, hashtags on X, and Instagram are a great way to connect with your flatmates and course-mates on campus. Connecting with fellow students is an ideal way to ease your fears about making friends. Remember, everyone is in the same boat, so everyone will be eager to join in the conversation and make connections.

7. Stay active. It is important to keep your physical health in check as well as your mental health. There will be student reps or staff available to talk to at your university through your student union if you feel as though you are struggling. Try to eat well, exercise regularly and allow yourself some downtime in order to create a balance alongside your studies.

8. Don't rush into finding a house for your second year. You will get to know more people as the months pass. Do no presume you have to share a house with your flatmates from first year. Try to find likeminded people who you get along with, and attend the housing fair! There will be plenty of houses to view.

9. Communicate with your lecturers. If you are struggling with your work or have a question, don't be afraid to email your lecturers. They may be busy but they want the best for you and will respond and support you.

10. Remember that moving away from home is a big step! It is normal to feel homesick and lonely from time to time. Social media may give you the impression that everyone is having a great time, but they're probably finding it hard too.

OP Committee Member, Edward, Inspires Year 10

During their last PSHE lesson of the academic year, all our Year 10 pupils attended an inspiring talk from OP Edward Hunter (Class of 2006) to aid their Careers education. 

Ed is a valued and active member of the OP Committee, and we are grateful for his continuing service this year as we seek to develop the programme of engagement for our Old Princethorpians.

Having completed his A-levels with us in 2006, Ed went on to study Publishing with E-business at Loughborough, and has since enjoyed a varied career developing expertise in areas such as Customer Success Leadership, Talent Development, Sales Strategy and Operational Efficiency.

During his talk, Ed led the pupils through his career choices and opportunities, sharing some of his biggest successes but also some experiences that taught him resilience and highlighted areas to work on. He spoke passionately about having strong personal values including accountability and a relentless pursuit of excellence, while also maintaining a sense of fun and humour. During the Q&A session, pupils were interested to know whether Mr Hunter preferred being employed or self-employed, and also asked what impact his A-level choices had had on his career. To finish, Ed talked about how to build a network of contacts and find mentors in specific career areas. 

Comments Alison Wakeley, Head of PSHE and Teacher of Music, "It was a fantastic experience for our Year 10 pupils, building on careers work from their classroom PSHE lesson the previous week, and looking forward to their one-to-one careers interviews at the start of Year 11."

We thank Ed for his time and for sharing his insights. It is an invaluable experience for our current students to meet and learn from past pupils of the Foundation schools, whether that be through a careers talk, mentorship or work experience. If you are able to help and would like to volunteer to support the Foundation in this way, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch at

Alumni Merchandise - Gifts For Everyone

Stuck for a gift idea for the OPs in your life? Look no further as items from our alumni range of merchandise make the perfect present for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries or even just for yourself!

Our new Zaini hats and headbands (priced £18 and £15 plus postage respectively) are now back in stock and look out for our 2025 calendars that will be available from late November. 

Other popular items include:

  • Socks with the distinctive Tower design on dark blue background with thin diagonal stripe - priced £9.00 + postage
  • A university style scarf (in 100% wool with navy blue, red and gold stripes) - priced  £31 + postage
  • T-bar cufflinks with a gold Tower design - priced £26 + postage
  • The Old Princethorpian tie. A classic 100% silk tie with a repetitive gold Tower design and thin red diagonal stripes on a dark blue background - priced £19 + postage and packing.
  • Tower pin badge. The 2cm high badge in nickel with recessed metal detail is based on the Tower logo - priced £11 + postage
  • A Spirit Of Family: The First Fifty Years Of Princethorpe College - produced to mark the College's Golden Jubilee this beautiful keepsake is a relflection on the first fifty years of Princethorpe College written by Nick Baker and Alex Darkes, it was published on 1 September 2016 - now reduced tp £10 + postage.
  • The Soaring Redbrick Tower Fine Art prints and cards sized at A2 for £40, A3 for £25 and as an A5 greetings card for £3. 
  • St. Joseph's Convent and School Fine Art print for £12.

Stocks are available to order online from Princethorpe Connect, please click here.


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