Welcome to the Old Princethorpian, the Foundation's termly e-newsletter for past pupils, staff and parents. Our newsletter aims to keep our alumni in touch with each other and news, developments and events across the Foundation.

This issue includes the latest Foundation and College news, plus plenty of news and updates from OPs across the decades. There are also details of upcoming events, including our Prize Giving and OP Pre-Drinks and of course our popular PTA Christmas Fair.

If you have any comments or news to contribute to the next issue, which will be published in February, please email us at oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.

Stay in touch this autumn and we hope to see many of you at our events over the next year.


Alumni News

Melanie Butler Hands Over Day To Day OP Reins To Caroline Spencer

In addition to her busy day job as Foundation Director of Marketing, Admissions and Communications, Melanie Butler is also the Old Princethorpians' Secretary, a role she has held for some 15 years. She has been instrumental in the development of the OPs Association, supporting friendraising and the OPs Committee with great energy and enthusiasm. Over the years, many OPs will have enjoyed an alumni event, read with interest the OP newsletter, or reconnected with old friends through the OP network, all of which will have been facilitated and co-ordinated by Melanie.

As the Foundation has developed, Melanie's role within the Foundation has broadened too, with the addition of the Crescent School and a wider remit including a growing emphasis on supporting the strategic direction of the organisation working alongside Foundation Principal, Ed Hester. 

Last year, the Foundation appointed an Alumni Relations and Development Officer, Caroline Spencer, to strengthen and support connections with Old Princethorpians and our wider alumni community. Now two terms into her new job, we are pleased to share that Caroline will be taking over the day-to-day alumni relations activity from Melanie, though Melanie will still have a hand in the strategic direction of OPs and will still be part of the OPs Committee. In particular, Caroline will be organising events, co-ordinating and supporting alumni interactions with the College and managing the OPs social media accounts.

Melanie comments, "Working with the OPs and getting to know so many over the years has been one of the most joyful and personally satisfying parts of my work at Princethorpe over the last 18 years. There have been so many memorable highlights from the Summer Suppers and Pub Meets, to the Hong Kong Reunion, our Golden Jubilee Year and our Careers Fairs. Whilst I will not be as involved on a day to day basis with activity, I will make sure to come along to OP events and will keep a watchful eye over the direction of the association, as it continues to go from strength to strength."

Caroline adds, “I can’t believe I have been here for nearly two terms now. Thank you to Melanie and all my colleagues for making me feel so welcome and for helping me to settle in so happily. Thank you also to the many OPs I've met so far, in person or online, your generosity and kindness has really helped me feel part of the OP family as I've made my first efforts to get to know you all. I am looking forward to getting to know many more of you, and to strengthening all our alumni’s connections with their old schools.”

Bumper Turnout For London Meet 2024

On Friday 27 September, the Old Princethorpians' London Meet took place at The Clachan on Kingly Street, a unique city centre pub with a rich history, tucked just behind the iconic Liberty's.

For this well-established annual OP event, it was a bumper turnout comprising an enthusiastic and diverse crowd of over 40 OPs from across the decades. In fact, every decade from the 1970s to the 2020s was represented, with the Class of 2018 being the specific year group with the largest number of OP representatives.

Guests were greeted warmly by the Princethorpe contingent, which included OPs Secretary Melanie Butler, Alumni Relations and Development Officer Caroline Spencer, Foundation Bursar Eddie Tolcher and Assistant Head Neil McCollin. Former longstanding and much-loved teacher and Assistant Head, Alex Darkes, was also in attendance. For more on the evening, and additional photos, please visit the News page on Princethorpe Connect.

We are always looking for suggestions for our next London Meet venue, so if you can suggest a good pub with a function room, in a good location, please email oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.

Our next OPs Pub Meet is the Local Meet, taking place closer to Princethorpe on Friday 7 March 2025, venue TBC, and you can register your interest on our Events page when it goes live, or by emailing oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.

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New Faces At The OPs Committee Meeting

On Tuesday 10 September, we were delighted to welcome members of the Old Princethorpian Committee for the first meeting of this academic year.

Alongside the returning members, to whom we are grateful for their continued service, we welcome some new faces to the group, in an effort to broaden our representation of the interests across the Princethorpe Foundation. With a vision to represent each Foundation school and as many decades of the schools' history as possible, we are pleased to introduce the OP Committee as listed below:

Continuing Members: Nick Brosnan, Alex Darkes, James Davies, Nigel Denton, Peter Griffin, Ed Hunter, Charlie Lawton, Peter Rollason, Melissa Symonds, Mary Wheildon, and Emma White.

New Members: Laura Brazier (Class of 2014), Nigel Bromley (Class of 1985), Chris Cattle (Class of 1980), Lottie Jones (Class of 2014), Toni Reszka (Class of 1970), Libby Williams (Class of 2014) and Tom Gleghorn (Class of 2000).

The Committee will be aided by the staff team, comprising Melanie Butler (OPs Secretary), Caroline Spencer (Alumni Relations and Development Officer), Ed Hester (Foundation Principal), Grove du Toit (Princethorpe Headmaster), Eddie Tolcher (Foundation Bursar), Steve Kowal (Foundation Development Director), and Jacqui Quinney (Princethorpe Head of Careers).

The vision and direction of the OP Committee is evolving in response to the Alumni Strategic Pillars Workshop which took place on 30 April 2024 (see OP Newsletter, Lent 2024, for the write up of that event), so that its work derives from five foundational pillars. These are: 

1. Communication, Connectivity and Inclusivity

2. Careers, Networking and Volunteering

3. Engagement, Events and Hospitality

4. Development and Philanthropy

5. OP Leadership and Responsibilities

Each committee member gives their focus to one of the Pillars according to their interest or skillset, to help drive and support that programme of activity, but through termly meetings the committee will very much act, ultimately, as one team in the interests of the wider OP community.

We would like to thank all members of the committee for giving their time and talents so generously. It bodes well for the future of the alumni association and the continuance of a mutually beneficial relationship with all our schools.

If you would like to get involved in the work of the OP Committee, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.

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St Mary's Priory Reunion A Special Day

On Saturday 7 September, we were delighted to welcome to the College some of the ‘Old Girls’ from St Mary’s Priory, the school on the Princethorpe site run by Benedictine nuns before the College was founded. The group are affectionately known to us as ‘Very Special Old Princethorpians' (VSOPs).

We welcomed them warmly and over tea, coffee and pastries our guests enjoyed catching up and sharing memories with their former schoolmates and friends. One such memory was about the high standards of discipline they had to maintain, with a former pupil recalling how she had to spend her evenings for two weeks cleaning the gymnasium, as punishment for talking in the corridor!

Their day unfolded happily with the chance to pore over a presentation and archive display arranged by our Archivist, Jo Wong, a Zoom call to allow more distant VSOPs to join in the reunion, lunch, a guided tour of the College, and a special Mass conducted by Father Teddy O'Brien MSC.

You can read the full write up and see more photos on Princethorpe Connect here.

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Honours Shared At OPs Vs College Sports Day

It was wonderful to host our OPs vs College Sports Day at Princethorpe on Saturday 31 August, and to welcome so many familiar faces back to the school. This popular annual fixture traditionally kicks off both the College’s sporting calendar and the Old Princethorpians’ social calendar for the year ahead.

The Football started the morning off in good spirits, with the College First XI participating in the day for the first time; strengthened by some staff members, they gained a victory over the OP team.

Next up was the mixed Hockey game and it was fabulous to see full teams playing in the spirit of the game. Whilst the more experienced OPs took the victory, the College pupils got some valuable game time in before their season starts.

Moving on to Netball, where there were three teams playing, the College's team secured victory with an outstanding performance against an OP team from 2024. The College then followed this up with a victory against an OP team from 2023; these wins showing that this team could be set for success this year.

The OPs vs College First XV John Shinkwin Trophy match produced an entertaining match, with a strong OP team of leavers from 2023 and 2024 taking the victory. The young College team showed promise for what could be a good season ahead.

The results of the matches were as follows:

  • Football – Staff 6 vs OPs 4
  • Netball – College 12 vs OPs 2023 7
  • Netball – College 10 vs OPs 2024 5
  • Netball – OPs 2024 2 vs OPs 2023 11
  • Mixed Hockey – College 1 vs OPs 4
  • Rugby – College 15 vs OPs 46

Lee Cassell, Foundation Director of Sport, commented, "It was fantastic to see so many OPs returning to play in some very competitive games and it was great to see the College First XI being included for the first time. The day showed the true spirit of the Princethorpe community and gave staff, pupils, OPs and parents the opportunity to watch plenty of entertaining matches over the course of the day.”

He continued, “A huge well done to all those who played and made the day so special. We look forward to seeing you all again next year on Saturday 30 August 2025 at the next OPs vs College Sports Day."

Thanks to all the players, supporters, organisers and caterers for making the day such a lovely, relaxed affair, and to A-level Music student Robyn Shaw for performing live during the day.

For more photos from the day, visit Princethorpe Connect.

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Four OPs Have Joined The College's Staff Team

This autumn, the Foundation is delighted to have welcomed back to the fold a number of former pupils and staff. It’s lovely to see that the lure of Princethorpe remains strong and to witness the Foundation’s Spirit of Family ethos in action.

Two OPs, Katherine Hester (Class of 2016) and Phoebe Tankard (Class of 2019) are taking part in the College’s School Led teacher training programme, teaching English and Biology respectively. They have been joined on the scheme by former Graduate Teaching Assistant, Sam Harding, who worked at the College last year, who has returned to train to teach PE.

Then, OP Sion Murphy (Class of 2020) is back at Princethorpe working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant.

It is fabulous to see such deeply rooted strong ties evident in our community. We wish all our returning OPs and staff a very happy and successful year.   

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OPs Summer Supper Reunion 2024

The sun shone to welcome OPs to the Summer Supper Reunion on Friday 28 June 2024. A record number gathering to reconnect and reminisce.

Representatives from the classes of 1974, 1984, 1994, 2004 and 2014 returned for their respective 50th, 40th, 30th, 20th and 10th anniversaries of leaving, and in one case an OP was celebrating his 60th anniversary of starting at Princethorpe in 1964! These guests were joined by a smattering of OPs from other years, as well as former and current staff, and it was lovely to see such a broad representation of the college's history.

The evening started with an optional tour of school that visited historic areas such as the Chapel, the Library, the Cloister corridors and the Roundhouse, along with the newer Limes Building and Sixth Form Centre and the most recent addition to the site, the Science Centre.

After a Drinks Reception in the Quad, the group was warmly welcomed by Foundation Principal, Ed Hester, and invited to take their seats in the Refectory. Fr Alan Whelan MSC said Grace and the refectory became a hubbub of chatter and laughter as guests sat amongst their peers from the same or similar leaving decade. The gathered OPs happily caught up and reminisced over a delicious three course meal. Conversations were bolstered by a rolling powerpoint prepared by our Archivist, Jo Wong, which featured images of many of the attendees, taken from year books, prize giving programmes and the College’s magazine, The Tower.

After dinner, Ed Hester spoke to the assembled gathering about developments at the College, particularly regarding new initiatives in both Development and Alumni engagement across the Foundation.

It was a really lovely evening where we very much enjoyed catching up with our community, hearing about former pupils' achievements and their future plans.

For more pictures and a full write up visit Princethorpe Connect.

Thanks go to our wonderful catering team, the OPs Committee and all who contributed to the success of the event. We will shortly begin planning for the 2025 Summer Supper Reunion, which will be aimed at leavers of 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015, and will take place on Friday 27 June 2025. 

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Upper Sixth Celebrate The End Of Their Time At Princethorpe

Princethorpe’s Upper Sixth celebrated the end of the examination season and their time at Princethorpe with a beautiful Thanksgiving Eucharist and a fabulous farewell ball. It was one last chance for them to gather to reminisce over their time at the College, the friends they have made and the many adventures they have had along the way.

Parents and students came together on Tuesday 25 June to mark the end of their Princethorpe journey with a moving Eucharist service in the Chapel followed by a buffet supper afterwards in their home for the last two years, the Sixth Form Centre.

Their Upper Sixth Leavers’ Ball took place one week later on Tuesday 2 July at Warwick House in Southam. The students smartly attired in black tie and ball gowns enjoyed a sparkling reception, followed by a delicious sit-down dinner, much anticipated speeches and then dancing until dark.
Both were joyous occasion with lots of laughter, shared memories and plans for the future.

Head of Sixth Form, Ben Collie said, “We wish all the Upper Sixth the very best as they move on from Princethorpe. We very much hope that they all keep in touch and come back to tell their teachers and future pupils all about their fascinating endeavours and achievements.”

Photos from the ball are available on Princethorpe Connect.

Rob Was Our Summer Cream Tea Prize Draw Winner

Our Princethorpe Connect Summer Prize Draw winner was OP Rob Mackenzie (Class of 2012), who took safe delivery of a delicious Prosecco Cream Tea hamper back in June.

Rob updated us on how he has been faring over the last few years:

"I currently reside in Stratford-upon-Avon, where I've been since the summer of 2022. After spending a few years working as a flotilla skipper in the Mediterranean, I returned to the UK to pursue my commercial flight training. I’m now based at London Heathrow with BA, flying the Airbus A320.

Last summer, I completed my MSc. in Aviation Management at UWL, and I’m continuing my studies at Cranfield University, where I'm in the early stages of a PhD focused on Causal Machine Learning in Aerospace. I still keep in touch with several friends from my time at Princethorpe from my graduating class."

It was good to hear things are going well for Rob, and by the looks of it there was enough cream tea treats for you to enjoy!

Princethorpe Connect is our growing online alumni network, currently numbering over 1,600 active members. Why not sign up here to keep in touch with developments and events, receive the OP e-newsletter and to network with fellow alumni and members of staff? 

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OP Friendly Faces Continues To Help The Next Generation

This autumn, we have been busy matching OP Friendly Faces with our recent Upper Sixth Leavers who have headed off to university. The scheme recruits Old Princethorpians who are in their second or third year at the same university to act as point of contact or mentor for the new OP. They offer a friendly, familiar face to meet up with over a coffee and a bite to eat, or share insights about student life in the city. Feedback from the growing number of Friendly Face mentees indicates that having someone to contact in their new university town or city, especially someone with the shared history of being a Princethorpe student, makes for a smoother transition in those first few weeks away from home.

We have successfully matched a record number of leavers so far, at universities including Bath, Nottingham, Oxford Brookes and Sheffield, amongst others. In fact, we have our first Match Meet-up of the year taking place this weekend: OP and former Head of School Pratheesh Prabakaran has become a Friendly Face this year and is meeting up with new OP Dom Lee, in their shared university city of Bristol.

Many thanks to all the Friendly Faces supporting this initiative; it really does make a difference and reflects the Spirit of Family that epitomises Princethorpe.

For all those starting university this year, here are some top tips from those who have experienced it first-hand:

1. Join a sports club or society. This is an amazing way to meet new people who share the same hobby or interest, and will integrate you perfectly into the university experience.

2. It may be tempting to pack everything you own when preparing for university but really you should only take the essentials - rooms in student halls tend to be quite small!

3. Attend your university's Freshers Fair! It's the best way to discover what your university is offering, and there are local businesses trying to grab your attention and so usually hand out loads of freebies.

4. Plan a weekly budget. With the cost of living increasing, it's a good idea to track your money and know what you will be prioritising when it comes to spending.

5. Learn how to cook the basics. It is far cheaper than constantly buying ready meals or takeaways.

6. Facebook groups, hashtags on X, and Instagram are a great way to connect with your flatmates and course-mates on campus. Connecting with fellow students is an ideal way to ease your fears about making friends. Remember, everyone is in the same boat, so everyone will be eager to join in the conversation and make connections.

7. Stay active. It is important to keep your physical health in check as well as your mental health. There will be student reps or staff available to talk to at your university through your student union if you feel as though you are struggling. Try to eat well, exercise regularly and allow yourself some downtime in order to create a balance alongside your studies.

8. Don't rush into finding a house for your second year. You will get to know more people as the months pass. Do no presume you have to share a house with your flatmates from first year. Try to find likeminded people who you get along with, and attend the housing fair! There will be plenty of houses to view.

9. Communicate with your lecturers. If you are struggling with your work or have a question, don't be afraid to email your lecturers. They may be busy but they want the best for you and will respond and support you.

10. Remember that moving away from home is a big step! It is normal to feel homesick and lonely from time to time. Social media may give you the impression that everyone is having a great time, but they're probably finding it hard too.

OP Committee Member, Edward, Inspires Year 10

During their last PSHE lesson of the academic year, all our Year 10 pupils attended an inspiring talk from OP Edward Hunter (Class of 2006) to aid their Careers education. 

Ed is a valued and active member of the OP Committee, and we are grateful for his continuing service this year as we seek to develop the programme of engagement for our Old Princethorpians.

Having completed his A-levels with us in 2006, Ed went on to study Publishing with E-business at Loughborough, and has since enjoyed a varied career developing expertise in areas such as Customer Success Leadership, Talent Development, Sales Strategy and Operational Efficiency.

During his talk, Ed led the pupils through his career choices and opportunities, sharing some of his biggest successes but also some experiences that taught him resilience and highlighted areas to work on. He spoke passionately about having strong personal values including accountability and a relentless pursuit of excellence, while also maintaining a sense of fun and humour. During the Q&A session, pupils were interested to know whether Mr Hunter preferred being employed or self-employed, and also asked what impact his A-level choices had had on his career. To finish, Ed talked about how to build a network of contacts and find mentors in specific career areas. 

Comments Alison Wakeley, Head of PSHE and Teacher of Music, "It was a fantastic experience for our Year 10 pupils, building on careers work from their classroom PSHE lesson the previous week, and looking forward to their one-to-one careers interviews at the start of Year 11."

We thank Ed for his time and for sharing his insights. It is an invaluable experience for our current students to meet and learn from past pupils of the Foundation schools, whether that be through a careers talk, mentorship or work experience. If you are able to help and would like to volunteer to support the Foundation in this way, we would love to hear from you. Please get in touch at oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk

Alumni Merchandise - Gifts For Everyone

Stuck for a gift idea for the OPs in your life? Look no further as items from our alumni range of merchandise make the perfect present for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries or even just for yourself!

Our new Zaini hats and headbands (priced £18 and £15 plus postage respectively) are now back in stock and look out for our 2025 calendars that will be available from late November. 

Other popular items include:

  • Socks with the distinctive Tower design on dark blue background with thin diagonal stripe - priced £9.00 + postage
  • A university style scarf (in 100% wool with navy blue, red and gold stripes) - priced  £31 + postage
  • T-bar cufflinks with a gold Tower design - priced £26 + postage
  • The Old Princethorpian tie. A classic 100% silk tie with a repetitive gold Tower design and thin red diagonal stripes on a dark blue background - priced £19 + postage and packing.
  • Tower pin badge. The 2cm high badge in nickel with recessed metal detail is based on the Tower logo - priced £11 + postage
  • A Spirit Of Family: The First Fifty Years Of Princethorpe College - produced to mark the College's Golden Jubilee this beautiful keepsake is a relflection on the first fifty years of Princethorpe College written by Nick Baker and Alex Darkes, it was published on 1 September 2016 - now reduced tp £10 + postage.
  • The Soaring Redbrick Tower Fine Art prints and cards sized at A2 for £40, A3 for £25 and as an A5 greetings card for £3. 
  • St. Joseph's Convent and School Fine Art print for £12.

Stocks are available to order online from Princethorpe Connect, please click here.


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College News

Princethorpe College Celebrates Excellent Public Examination Results

Princethorpe College is celebrating another year of excellent exam results.

108 students sat A-level and BTEC examinations and completed the Extended Project Qualification this summer and, continuing the strong performances of previous cohorts, two thirds of all grades awarded were A*- B, with more than a third being A*- A. Impressively, 17 pupils achieved three or more A* or A grades.

At GCSE, Princethorpe pupils also performed well, from a cohort of 150 pupils, 44% of all entries were the coveted 9, 8 or 7 grades, with 32 pupils achieving nine or more 9, 8 or 7 grades.

Grove du Toit, Headmaster, commented, "We are delighted with the excellent results that our Sixth Form students and Year 11 pupils have achieved. They have worked incredibly hard and deserve these results. It was wonderful to see all their happy faces on results day, and we congratulate them all on their well-deserved success. We are thrilled that our pupils have received such good grades but also, more importantly, that the overwhelming majority are moving on to their first choice of next step."

He continued, "We are proud of their academic achievements, but all these pupils have many other fine qualities: kindness, respect and a strong sense of right and wrong, which will be tremendously important for them in the next phase of their lives. We wish them all the very best."

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Limes Trees Given Clean Bill Of Health

After essential remedial work last year, that sadly included the removal of some unhealthy trees, we are pleased to report that in a recent inspection by independent tree specialists, RGS Arboricultural Consultants, the remaining Limes show no signs of decay.

The Limes will be familiar to all Princethorpians and are a much loved and integral part of the College skyline. They were planted to commemorate the founding members of the St Mary's Priory community and lined the original Lime Walk running from the White Gate in Switzerland to the gate leading to the Acacia Walk. There is much within the archives to show how fond past pupils were of them, with pupils writing poetry about them, revising for exams under them and religious processions taking place through them.

Sadly, six trees had to be removed last year, and the College was concerned that their felling could compromise the remaining tress. However, all 14 of the Limes still standing, have now been individually tested with all 14 showing no signs of decay.

It’s fantastic news for all Princethorpians. For now, the Limes can continue to play their part in the Princethorpe’s history.

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Farewell To Staff Leaving At End Of The Academic Year

As the Trinity Term came to a close, it was lovely to have an event for staff to mark the end of another busy school year and to celebrate and thank them all, as well as wishing goodbye and good luck to those leaving the College for retirement or pastures new.

Moving on or retiring in July were Graduate Teaching Assistants, Sam Harding and Lili Draper, Sixth Form Administrator, Amanda McKenzie, Teacher of Girls’ Games and PE, Vicky Howell, Teacher of RS, Lizzie Hester, Teacher of Psychology, Lizzie Caisey, Teachers of English, Jo Evans and Jess Proudlock, Teacher of MFL, Bérénice Galano, Foundation Buildings Manager, Michael Small, Head of Psychology and Sociology, Fionnuala Schofield, Head of Outdoor Education, Will Bower and last but by no means least, much loved, Teacher of Classics, Rachel Taylor, who has taught at our Foundation Schools for an incredible 50 years!

A huge thank you and our very best wishes to them all.

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Princethorpe Says Farewell To Much Loved Classics Teacher, Rachel Taylor

In July, Princethorpe College said farewell to much loved teacher, Mrs Rachel Taylor. She has been both a remarkable teacher and Head of Department, going about her work with passion and enthusiasm for so many years.

Rachel, then Miss Roberts, started working for St Joseph’s (now Crackley Hall) as the Latin Mistress under the headship of Sister Mary Patrick back in May 1974. Rachel describes her as fearsome but fair with strict rules for uniform even for staff. She started her teaching career with a blackboard and chalk but adapted over the years to overhead projectors, whiteboards and eventually, with thanks to the IT team, even computers.

She joined the College in September 2001 as a teacher of Latin and German when St Joseph’s merged with Princethorpe College. At that time, Latin was not taught at Princethorpe, so Rachel’s skills and experience were a great asset to the school. All her pupils have thrived under her encouragement. She embraced the Foundation’s ethos, always teaching with kindness and encouragement and thanks to her dedication, Latin continues to be successfully taught today.

Diligent to the end, a delighted Rachel, who had hoped to scuttle away with little fuss, was surprised with gifts on our final INSET day.

Foundation Principal, Ed Hester said, “We would like to thank Rachel for all her hard work and dedication to first St Joseph’s and then later Princethorpe’s pupils. She has served the Foundation for an amazing 50 years. She was creative in her approach to teaching and has been instrumental in the success of Latin here at the College, with subject results always amongst the best. We will all miss her and we wish Rachel a happy, healthy and well-deserved retirement, although we are glad to know we will still see her as she has promised to help invigilate an exam or two.”

Rachel is pictured here on her last day along with some photos from the archives from her early years at St Joseph's Convent School.

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Last Station Of The Cross Restored

After 40 years hidden behind boards the final Station of the Cross and the Altar Alcove in the former Nuns' Library have been carefully restored to their former glory.

The College welcomed specialist conservator, Alexandra Carrington, and her colleague, Dawn Jessop, to Princethorpe during the summer holidays to renovate the final Station of the Cross and a decorated Altar Alcove in the former Nuns’ Library.

Part of the incredible story of Princethorpe, the artworks had been hidden for around 40 years until last year when refurbishment work began on the old G22 and G23 Physics Labs, after the opening of the College’s new Science Centre.

Both the Station of the Cross and the Altar Alcove had been preserved behind classroom boards but were suffering from damage and the build-up of decades of dust and grime. The conservators used a range of cleaning, consolidating and retouching techniques to reveal and restore the charming nature-based design and stencilling on  the painted wall above the alcove, which would have been specially commissioned by the nuns who founded the Priory, and to repair damage and restore the vibrant colours of the last station, which depicts Jesus being laid in the tomb.

Director of Estates, Rob Heath, commented, “It is wonderful to see these unique works, part of Princethorpe’s rich heritage, brought back to their original splendour and saved to be studied and enjoyed by generations of pupils to come.”

The work was generously funded by the College's PTA and was available for visitors to see on Heritage Open Day.

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OPs Needed To Support College Careers Fair 2025

Planning has commenced for the College's biennial Careers Fair 2025 which will provide a ‘one stop careers shop’ for pupils in Year 10 through to Upper Sixth. The event will take place next year on the morning of Saturday 29 March.  

Comments Head of Careers, Jacqui Quinney, "We are always on the look out for Old Princethorpians, who have recently embarked on a new career or those who are more established and would be willing to share their experiences with our pupils.

Headmaster, Grove du Toit adds, "We are really indebted to all the OPs who have volunteered their time and energy over the years to make our Careers Fairs a success for our Year 10 to Sixth Form pupils and their parents."

If you would be interesting in helping, please email jacquiquinney@princethorpe.co.uk.

OP Joins Admissions Team As Assistant Registrar

Princethorpe has a familiar face working in its Admissions Team. OP Georgia Newborough returned to the College in June, to take on the role of Assistant Registrar. She now works alongside Catherine Rogers, our Registrar, assisting families who are interested in entry to the College for September 2025 and beyond.

Georgia knows Princethorpe well, having attended the school as a pupil from 2012 to 2019. She went on to study Politics, Philosophy and Economics at the University of York before spending a year back at Princethorpe working as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. Her knowledge and experience of the school, from both sides of the fence, positions her ideally to advise prospective families with children looking to join the school.

Georgia began her Admissions journey welcoming and supporting pupils new to Princethorpe when they visited the school. in June for their Induction Day. Over the summer, she was kept busy dealing with new Lower Sixth joiners post GCSE Results Day, our Year 7 Preparation Day and of course getting ready for Open Afternoon.

It's lovely to have Georgia back in the Princethorpe team.

Countdown To Entrance Examinations Underway

With just five weeks to go now, the countdown to the College's Entrance Exams for admission in September 2025 is well underway. This year the exams for Year 7 to 10 entry will take place on Saturday 9 November from 9.00am to 4.00pm.

Our friendly Admissions Team have been kept busy over the summer and this term accepting registrations for the examinations from prospective parents. 

Comments Melanie Butler, Foundation Director of Marketing, Admissions and Communications, "Interest remains high, we had a very busy Open Afternoon and since then registrations have just not stopped coming in. As always, we have had lots of enquiries from Old Princethorpians, who are keen for their children to follow in their footsteps."

For more information on the admissions process for 2025 and beyond click here to visit our Admissions Update Newsletter, call the Registrars on 01926 634201/297 or email admissions@princethorpe.co.uk.





New Admissions Podcast Outlines Pathway To Princethorpe

Prospective families can now discover all the ins and outs of applying to Princethorpe College in a new informative podcast series, Pathway to Princethorpe.

From choosing the right school to preparing for the entrance exams, the podcast is designed to help parents navigate the admissions process step by step. This is perfect for parents whose children are looking to join Princethorpe in Year 7 to Year 10. Join Registrar, Catherine Rogers, and new Assistant Registrar, Georgia Newborough, plus special guests, as they explore many aspects of Princethorpe life, share expert tips, and demystify the journey into independent secondary school.

Launched at the beginning of the summer holidays, there are now seven informative episodes in the series which can be found on Spotify, YouTube and Amazon Music. More will be released over the coming weeks as we approach Entrance Exams in November.

Comments, Registrar, Catherine Rogers, "We hope that these bite-sized episodes, which cover many areas that we get asked about frequently, will allow parents to listen and gather essential information at their convenience, whether commuting, relaxing, or enjoying a cup of tea."

Click here to access the Pathway to Princethorpe podcast series.

Portrait Of Mr Hester Hung In Cloister Corridor

A portrait photograph of former Headmaster, Ed Hester, who led Princethorpe College for 13 years, from 2009 to 2022, has been hung in the Cloister corridor. It sits alongside portraits of previous Headmasters, recognising his contribution to the history of our school community. His encouraging gaze will look down on generations of Princethorpians to come.

We took a picture of Mr Hester, who is now of course, Foundation Principal, standing next to his portrait just after it was hung during the summer holidays. His favourite photograph though is actually the last whole school photograph, which hangs on the opposite wall, if you look carefully, you might realise that on the day he was missing and has been photoshopped in!

Heritage Open Day A Huge Success

Princethorpe College was delighted to take part in the 2024 Heritage Open Days festival on Sunday 8 September. England's largest community-led festival of history and culture, Heritage Open Days has run annually since 1994, celebrating local history by giving access to thousands of places usually closed to the public.

The College has participated in the festival for many years and on the day welcomed over 90 visitors through its doors. They came from near and far, including local neighbours, current and former Princethorpe families, and OPs, all interested in local history. All were made welcome and enjoyed a fascinating tour that took in Pugin’s magnificent Chapel, the Cloisters, nuns’ cells on Lower Pugin, the Library (originally the first church of St Mary’s Priory) and the unique Roundhouse. Visitors were also delighted to see the recently-restored last Station of the Cross and decorated altar alcove in the Cloisters and Nuns’ Library respectively.

Foundation Archivist, Jo Wong, and Alumni and Development Officer, Caroline Spencer, acted as tour leaders, sharing wonderful insights into the history of the magnificent building and the amazing people that made it the place it is today.

A huge thank you to all who kindly organised and supported this super community event.


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Pinnacle And Minnacle Showcases Pupils' Excellent Work

The latest issue of The Pinnacle, and our Prep Schools' edition of the magazine, The Minnacle, has just been published, showcasing yet more of our Foundation pupils' excellent work. The Pinnacle and The Minnacle have always celebrated our pupils at their best and this edition includes plenty more examples of their outstanding efforts; their dedication, hard work and commitment to their studies inside and outside the classroom clear to see.

If you fancy a little inspiration why not settle down with a cup of tea and have a read. You can find a copy of The Pinnacle on our school website here while The Minnacle is available from the Prep school websites, follow links to Crackley Hall School and Crescent School.

It's inspirational to see pupils' determination to do their best.

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School Led Route Into Teaching

Thinking of becoming a teacher? Then why not consider training at Princethorpe College.

Whether you are a new graduate or contemplating a career change, we have opportunities available across the subjects but particularly for those with a degree relating to STEAM.

Through our association with the Lion Alliance, we offer a year’s training as part of the School Led Route, leading to Qualified Teacher Status. Placements would be at Princethorpe and also at other schools within the Lion Alliance. Our training via the Lion Alliance is supported by Warwick University. 

Teacher training at Princethorpe is a popular and successful scheme, we have trained over 50 teachers with our programme now in its sixth year.

Bursaries from the government of between £10,000 and £28,000 are available to support those training in Chemistry, Computing, Maths, Physics, Languages, Geography, Biology, Design Technology, Art and design, English, Music and Religious Studies.

Our Assistant Head for Teaching and Learning, Dr Liz Pyne is happy to offer advice about the different routes into teaching and what Princethorpe can offer you. Please email: lizpyne@princethorpe.co.uk

Further information about the Lion Alliance can be found here: www.thelionalliance.co.uk

Information about Getting into Teaching and possible bursaries can be found here: getintoteaching.education.gov.uk

Development News

Charlotte's Story - The Transformative Power Of Bursaries

At Princethorpe College, we believe that every child deserves access to a high-quality education, and our bursaries play a crucial role in making this vision a reality. In sharing this story, for the benefit of the pupil, we have anonymised the name to 'Charlotte', but rest assured that the quotes shared are real. This 11-year-old's journey to Princethorpe has been made possible through the Richard Bunt Bursary, a generous gift established by the family and friends of the late Richard Bunt, OP.

Charlotte comes from a family that values education deeply. However, without financial support, her dream of attending Princethorpe would have remained just that—a dream. The Richard Bunt Bursary has not only alleviated financial burdens but has also ignited Charlotte’s passion for learning. Charlotte explains, "Receiving this award has been a tremendous relief for my family. It's not just about the financial assistance; it's about the belief in my potential and the opportunity to pursue my dreams."

With a keen interest in technology and a desire to become a software engineer, Charlotte embodies the spirit of ambition that we nurture here at Princethorpe. Her fascination with coding stems from her desire to solve real-world problems. "I love the challenge of coding," she says. "It's like solving puzzles, but with the potential to create something that can make a difference."

The impact of the Richard Bunt Bursary extends beyond Charlotte; it resonates throughout our entire school community. Charlotte’s mother articulates the profound difference it has made: "This award gives Charlotte the chance to thrive academically and access to an education that would otherwise be unavailable."

Named in honour of Richard Bunt, OP, this bursary represents Princethorpe’s commitment to providing enriching experiences and exceptional education to deserving pupils. It is a lifeline that opens doors, allowing talented and motivated young people like Charlotte to flourish and contribute positively to the school community.

Charlotte’s story is a testament to the vital role that bursary funds play in shaping the futures of our pupils. "With the generous support of donors," Charlotte said, "I am confident that I can achieve my dream career. I am committed to excelling in my studies and embracing Richard's spirit of friendship, inclusion, and teamwork."

Every donation to our Bursary Fund, whether through named bursaries like the Richard Bunt Bursary or contributions to the Annual Fund, has the power to change lives. By supporting the Bursary Fund with just £10 a month, you can help ensure that more pupils like Charlotte have the opportunity to pursue their passions and reach their full potential.

You can support our Bursary Fund here.

Together, we can uphold Princethorpe’s commitment to inclusivity and excellence in education. Your continued support is vital in providing exceptional opportunities for all pupils, ensuring that every young individual has the chance to make a difference in the world.

As Charlotte embarks on this exciting new chapter, she represents the enduring legacy of Richard Bunt, OP, and the transformative impact of bursary support. Join us in investing in the future of our pupils and helping to create a brighter tomorrow for the entire Princethorpe community.

Planting Seeds Of Change: Princethorpe College's Smallholding Project

With your generous support, Princethorpe College has embarked on a groundbreaking initiative: the Smallholding Project. This initiative promises to enrich our curriculum and reconnect the College with its agricultural roots. Thanks to the contributions of our donors, the project has so far raised over £40,000, reaching 80% of our target to get the project out of the ground and setting the stage for engaging educational experiences. Additional help is still needed though, to make the most of this innovative opportunity.

The Smallholding Project: Cultivating Minds and Spirits

The Smallholding Project is not merely about cultivating land; it's about nurturing the minds and spirits of young pupils from within and beyond our community. This initiative aims to offer a hands-on learning environment where the fields become classrooms, and every plant sown is a lesson in sustainability, science, and stewardship.

A Legacy of Learning

Rooted in a heritage that traces back to 1833 when Benedictine nuns first cultivated these lands, today’s Smallholding Project aims to breathe new life into this legacy by integrating modern agricultural practices with our rich educational offerings. From managing crops and livestock to understanding sustainable farming, pupils will have the unique opportunity to apply their classroom studies to real-world scenarios.

Community and Curriculum Integration

More than just an educational tool, the Smallholding Project is poised to become a central hub for community engagement. We plan to involve local schools and community organisations, extending the learning opportunities beyond Princethorpe’s pupils. This initiative will not only enhance the education offered but also strengthen community ties, promoting a collaborative approach to education and environmental stewardship.

Gratitude and the Path Forward

We owe immense thanks to our donors, whose support has been instrumental in advancing this project. Your contributions have helped us to get to this point, but we have a little further to go before we can truly realise our vision of education embracing the great outdoors.

As we continue to develop the Smallholding Project, we extend our gratitude to all who have supported us. Your belief in our mission empowers our pupils to pursue their dreams with confidence, assured that their education at Princethorpe is holistic, practical, and impactful.

Join Us in Cultivating Futures

We want the entire Princethorpe community to engage with and enjoy the Smallholding Project, which promises to enhance our educational offering and cultivate generations of pupils deeply connected to their environment and community.

With your ongoing support, the Smallholding Project will stand as a powerful testament to the value of community and education, planting the seeds of tomorrow, today.

You can donate here.

Foundation News

Message from the Foundation Principal

As we enter this new academic year I wanted to take this opportunity to bring you up to date with latest developments affecting the Foundation.

You will be aware from media coverage about the government's plans to introduce VAT onto private school fees. The exact timing of this will be confirmed at the end of October when the Budget is announced, but a January 2025 implementation is looking very likely.

For some months we have been communicating with local MPs across the political spectrum to ensure that they are aware of the key issues and potential damage that this policy could have both locally and nationally. In addition, we have made comprehensive submissions to HM Treasury’s public consultation over this issue. 

You will know only too well that the overwhelming majority of our parents are not the super-wealthy; they are aspirational, hard-working people who work exceptionally hard to send their children to the school they believe best meets their needs, aptitudes, and abilities.

We are fortunate to be in a strong financial position and our pupil numbers have remained strong. We are committed to supporting our families, retaining pupils and continuing to recruit strongly for all our schools, whilst maintaining the high-quality education and ethos we are known for.

We have therefore shared our response to VAT with current and prospective families and through cost savings, income generation and a variety of measures, when the policy is implemented we will be reducing our fees to enable us to effectively pass on a 5% increase to families. Feedback to this news has been very positive, as in many schools both locally and nationally, parents will face an increase of well over 10% and in many cases closer to 20%.

The independent school sector and our Foundation certainly faces challenges ahead and undoubtedly we will be looking to our past pupils and former parents for further support over the coming months and years.

Very best wishes for the year ahead.

E D Hester

Rebecca Iley To Take On New Role Of Foundation Head Of Business Services

We are delighted to announce that Rebecca Iley has been appointed to the new role of Head of Business Services for The Princethorpe Foundation.

A qualified management accountant and teacher, Rebecca will joins us from Activate Learning FE College Group in Banbury, where she has worked for the past ten years, most recently as Director of Business Engagement and Employability. She has also held positions within Lloyds TSB Commercial Finance for ten years.

She impressed the interview panel with the combination of her education and commercial experience and her ability to juggle an extensive work portfolio, alongside her busy family life and volunteering commitments, including being Director of Banbury Chambers of Commerce and Chair of Governors of a local Catholic primary school.

Rebecca is no stranger to the Foundation as her three children attend Princethorpe College in Years 7, 10 and Lower Sixth.

She takes on her new role in October, enabling a handover with Foundation Bursar, Eddie Tolcher, who is retiring in December, although he will continue to support the work of the Foundation.

Ed Hester, Foundation Principal, comments, “We were looking for someone with exceptional personal qualities and abilities, with a wide range of skills, who was aligned with our ethos, and we have found just that in Rebecca.

She came top of a very strong field of shortlisted candidates and the interview panel was unanimous in support of her. We are absolutely delighted that she has agreed to join us, and I am sure she will make a real impact in this new role, which will be instrumental in helping us deliver our strategic plan for the Foundation.”

Comments Rebecca, “I am thrilled to have been offered the role of Head of Business Services. To have the opportunity to be part of an educational Foundation that I truly believe in is both exciting and a great privilege and I look forward to working closely with Ed and the team.”

Princethorpe Partners With Team Super Sports

Princethorpe College has partnered with Team Super Sports to offer Holiday Camps for children aged 5 to 16 years. Team Super Sports ran a six-week programme of camps, over the summer holidays, offering a wide variety of sporting activities, that took advantage of the College’s extensive grounds and sporting facilities. 

The initiative was part of the Foundation’s newly launched Commercial Enterprises activity aimed at generating additional sources of income and was in response to feedback and demand from parents. The summer camps proved to be very successful with Princethorpe’s beautiful campus proving a popular choice for families in the area. Booking for the October Half Term camp is open now and you can find out more and book a place here.

Comments, Gemma Cullinane, Princethorpe Commercial Enterprise Manager, "Team Super Sports are an experienced provider of sport and multi-activity holiday camps with a fantastic reputation for top-level coaching for children of all abilities. They delivered an excellent first summer programme of activities and we are looking forward to working with them in the future."

She continues, "The Holiday Camps are just one of a number of enterprise initiatives we are developing. You can find out more about our impressive array of conference, exhibition, and meeting spaces, our sports lettings and our film and photography location hire on our wesbite here."

Crescent School Awarded Green Flag With Distinction

Crescent School has been recognised for its work to create a sustainable environment.

The school has been awarded the Eco-Schools Green Flag with Distinction in recognition of its environmental consciousness and commitment to sustainable practices. The award is given to schools that work through a seven-step framework outlined in the Eco-Schools programme.

The school has also had its sustainability efforts recognised by the Independent Schools Association (ISA) in its annual national awards, with the school shortlisted for the Sustainability Award, which will be voted on later this year.

Last school year, pupils from Year 2 to Year 6 formed a Green Team, and identified three key focus areas for sustainability improvements: Biodiversity, Waste and Water. Across the year, the committee launched numerous activities and campaigns, including 'Cut Your Carbon Month', a ‘Paper Free Day’, and the 'The Big Plastic Count'. Pupils also took part in the RSPB Big Garden Birdwatch and held their own school mini COP 28.

During the year, pupils also worked together to construct a bug hotel and pollinator bed, installed rainwater harvesting water butts, completed a biodiversity survey, organised a book swap and pen recycling, installed bird boxes, planted trees and herbs, made wildflower seed bombs and much more.

The Green Team also developed a Crescent Eco Code that encourages everyone to ‘Go Green and Stay Green’.

Jacqui Johnson, the teacher leading the Green Team at Crescent School, said: "We are thrilled that our environmental efforts have been recognised. We are proud of the enthusiasm of our pupils to make real changes for the benefit of our planet. Their mature and inspirational attitude aligns with our school and wider the Foundation’s sustainability ethos, and our shared goal to make the world a better and brighter place.”

Headmaster, Joe Thackway, added: “It has been wonderful to see our school community working together to improve our sustainability. The dedication and passion of the children has been inspiring, and they deserve their recognition at the highest level by the Eco School Awards and also by the ISA."

The Eco Schools Award team said: “Your school has truly gone above and beyond to make environmental education engaging for young people. It has been an absolute joy assessing your application and learning about the impact you’ve had, not only on our planet but also on the young people you work with every day.”

Stay ‘n’ Play Toddler Group Celebrates 20th Anniversary

This September, Little Crackers Nursery’s toddler group, Stay ‘n’ Play, is celebrating its 20th anniversary.

The group first opened its doors back in September 2004 and has been offering a place for mums, dads, grandparents and tots to get together and offer each other friendship and support ever since. Over the years Stay ‘n’ Play has welcomed lots of little ones to its weekly get togethers, and they have all benefited from the care, love and support provided by the nursery staff team. Many of the children have subsequently gone on to join the nursery or Crackley Hall School, where the nursery is located.

To mark the anniversary, on Wednesday 18 September the toddler group hosted a special party. Staff, parents, grandparents and children of all ages including Stay ‘n’ Players past and present, were welcomed to Crackley Hall School to enjoy fun and games, to look through old photos and enjoy a slice of celebratory cake.

Nursery Manager, Emma Birch, said: “It’s amazing that our toddler group is celebrating its twentieth birthday, and we couldn’t let the milestone pass by unmarked. It was wonderful to welcome parents and children back for a special party.”

Longstanding Stay ‘n’ Play staff member, Mary O’Brien, who has helped to lead the group for almost the full 20 years, added, “It’s hard to believe that our earlier children may be at university or even parents themselves now. Everyone had a fantastic time today, and we would like to thank all our families, old and new, for all the happy Stay ‘n’ Play memories across the years.”

Over the years Stay ‘n’ Play has supported the wider Kenilworth community. For many years the group offered outreach sessions led by staff members at St Francis of Assisi RC Church in Kenilworth and the group even went online with weekly story and song sessions to keep connected during the pandemic.

Today, Stay ‘n’ Play continues to provide weekly sessions with regular visiting activities and special events. Everyone is welcome to come along on Wednesday mornings during term time from 10.30am to 11.45am. Upcoming activities include Forest Fun on Wednesday 9 October and the ever popular Christmas Party on Wednesday 11 December. For more information visit: https://www.littlecrackers.co.uk/stay-n-play

Crackley Achieves Bronze And Silver In Woodland Trust’s Schools Award

Crackley Hall School is thrilled to have achieved both the Bronze and Silver levels of the Woodland Trust’s Green Tree Schools Award.

The awards are designed to encourage outdoor learning, by inspiring pupils to take part in environmental projects and to discover more about trees, woods and wildlife. Working towards the award, has allowed pupils to take positive action for the environment while also enjoying learning in the great outdoors.

To earn the Silver certificate pupils completed five ‘Green 15’ challenges, that included taking a lesson outdoors, making natural art and conducting wildlife surveys. They also harnessed pupil power to recycle waste, visited a wood to explore and connect with nature and took on a tree dressing challenge.

Crackley Hall’s Forest School Practitioner, Verity Clark, said, “The children have enjoyed working towards the awards. They have helped pupils learn valuable lessons about the natural world and the activities have supported our school's drive towards sustainability too.”

The school is not resting on its laurels though, as it has set its sights on achieving the next level, the Gold Award.

Current Foundation Employment Opportunities

The Foundation often has vacancies that Old Princethorpians may be interested in.

Amongst others, we are currently advertising for a Site Supervisor at Crackley Hall School in Kenilworth and a Nursery Practitioner at Little Crackers Nursery. 

Full details on all the roles available and on how to apply are available on our website here.

Please do share this information with anyone you think might be interested.


OP Calendar Of Events 2024-2025

We have great pleasure in unveiling the OPs' events calendar for 2024 - 2025.

This year's calendar features all our regular favourites including the upcoming OPs Pre-Drinks aimed at the leavers of 2024 and their parents at Prize Giving on Friday 22 November.

Our OPs Local Meet returns to Leamington, this time at The Micro Pug, 66-68 Clemens Street, on Friday 7 March, and the annual Summer Supper Reunion takes place at the College on Friday 27 June, celebrating the leavers of 1975, 1985, 1995, 2005 and 2015, although leavers of other years are also most welcome.

Don't forget our Bluebells and Brunch on Saturday 10 May, the perfect opportunity to walk round the iconic Mile Walk with the family after enjoying a tasty spread.

Following discussions with the OPs Committee it has been agreed that from January 2025, for certain events where significant hospitality is provided, we will require a small donation in support of bursaries* upon booking. Please refer to the individual event listings on Princethorpe Connect for more details.

All OPs, past parents and staff are welcome to participate in any or all of the events. Visit Princethorpe Connect, our online alumni community, to register and book onto events.

We're looking forward to another fabulous year.

*Bursaries are vital in providing financial support to pupils who demonstrate both academic promise and financial need. By fostering an inclusive educational environment, these bursaries ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Click here for more details.

Little Crackers Stay 'n' Play Toddler Group

Come and join the fun every Wednesday during term time from 10.30am to 11.45am for just £2.50 per family!

We know that many of our alumni now have little ones of their own. All are welcome at Stay 'n' Play, our friendly toddler group, aimed at families with children aged 0 to four years at Crackley Hall School and Little Crackers Nursery in Kenilworth. 

We have got some exciting activities and events lined up, so there is plenty to keep you and your little one busy and entertained.

Little Crackers Stay 'n' Play will return from Wednesday 11 September 2024 and will run until Wednesday 11 December 2024. Please note there will be no Stay 'n' Play on Wednesday 23 and 30 October 2024 as it is half-term.

Special Events in the Michaelmas Term:

  • Forest Fun - Wednesday 9 October
    Jump in some puddles, play in our mud kitchen and hunt for some bugs in our Forest School session. 

  • Look Inside Nursery - Wednesday 13 November
    For this session you'll be able to play with all the toys and explore all the facilities our nursery has to offer. 

  • Christmas Party - Wednesday 11 December
    Join Father Christmas and his helpers in our annual Christmas party. Lots of games and treats to be had!

To find out more and to see all our upcoming visiting activities and special events click here

Sixth Form Open Evening

Wednesday 16 October 2024 - 6.30pm to 9.00pm

For those alumni with children considering their post 16 options, the College is holding a Sixth Form Open Evening on Wednesday 16 October 2024 from 6.30pm to 9.00pm. 

The evening will focus on the key events and dates in the Sixth Form application process, specific A-level and BTEC subject information with advice provided by the Heads of Departments and general information on the Sixth Form experience at Princethorpe.

It will include brief talks from Headmaster, Grove du Toit, Ben Collie, Head of Sixth Form, Michael Spencer, Deputy Head - Academic and some current members of the Sixth Form in the Clarkson Theatre.

External candidates are very welcome at the event, so please do help spread the word. External candidates should register here and if they have any questions should contact the Admissions Team via email at admissions@princethorpe.co.uk or call 01926 634201.






Prize Giving Ceremony And OPs Pre-Drinks Reception

Friday 22 November 2024 - 6.00pm to 6.45pm (OP Pre-Drinks) and 7.00pm to 9.00pm Prize Giving Ceremony

This year's Prize Giving will be held on Friday 22 November in the Butterworth Hall at Warwick Arts Centre, beginning at 7.00pm.

Traditionally, the vast majority of last year’s Upper Sixth return to collect their A-level examination certificates. Most will have embarked on their first year at university, apprenticeship, employment or gap year and this is an opportunity for the Class of 2024 to catch up.

The OPs Committee hosts a special pre-ceremony Drinks Reception in the Helen Martin Studio, for the Upper Sixth leavers, their parents and other invited guests.

All of last year's Upper Sixth and their parents will shortly receive their invitations with instructions on how to book their tickets on Eventbrite.

We look forward to seeing you there!


PTA Christmas Fair

Sunday 1 December 2024 - 2.00pm to 4.30pm

The College's annual PTA Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 1 December from 2.00pm to 4.30pm.

As always, you can look forward to exploring an array of stalls full of gift ideas, games and activities, with festive music and refreshments to entertain and replenish you. Plus, of course, Santa will be returning to receive visitors in his grotto!

In addition to all this, OPs are warmly invited to come and say hello to the Alumni and Development Team on our OP Stall. We would love to catch up with you, and as a little extra incentive we will be offering a free legendary Princethorpe Cookie to the first 50 OPs who visit us! Our merchandise will also be available to purchase, to help you fill your Christmas stockings!

We can't promise snow, but there will be lots of Christmas bargains.

This is a lovely opportunity for the whole family to visit the College at a weekend and we hope to see you there.

Christmas Eve Masses

Tuesday 24 December 2024 - 5.00pm and 9.00pm

Fr Teddy O’Brien MSC would like to invite all Old Princethorpians to either of the celebrations of Mass on Christmas Eve, Tuesday 24 December 2024, in the College Chapel.

The Mass at 5.00pm - the Family Mass- is specifically for families with children.

The First Mass of Christmas will be celebrated at 9.00pm. Please note there is no midnight Mass.

These celebrations will offer Old Princethorpians the chance to get together in familiar surroundings; it is a great opportunity to return to the College.





OPs Local Pub Meet 2025

Friday 7 March 2025 - The Micro Pug, Clemens Street, Leamington Spa - 6.00pm to 10.30pm

Our popular OPs Local Meet returns to Leamington on Friday 7 March at the quirky venue of The Micro Pug, 66-68 Clemens Street, CV31 2DN.

The evening will commence from 6.00pm, and upon arrival guests will be directed through the Smeg fridge door which leads down to the Cellar, our private function room for the evening. There will be a welcome Drink or two courtesy of the OPs Committee, and as guests settle into an evening of relaxed conversation and reminiscing, a delicious buffet will be provided along with dedicated bar service by the venue's friendly staff.

If you would like to attend, please click here to register. We will require a small donation in support of bursaries* upon booking, with a concession for students and Over 65s. Booking for this event closes on Friday 28 February.

Alumni of all our Foundation schools, along with partners and friends, are warmly invited to join us for this popular occasion. It is a relaxed evening, where past pupils, parents and staff can gather together and enjoy catching up and sharing memories.

We are hopeful for a really good turnout this year, of OPs from across the decades, plus a few former members of staff to aid in the reminiscence.

Please indicate any special dietary requirements when you sign up to help us cater accordingly.

We look forward to seeing you there!

*Bursaries are vital in providing financial support to pupils who demonstrate both academic promise and financial need. By fostering an inclusive educational environment, these bursaries ensure that every pupil has the opportunity to thrive and succeed. Click here for more details.

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Looking for a Reception place for September 2025 and beyond?

The Foundation's two prep schools are opening their doors in March 2025 for their Spring Open Mornings. If you are looking for a Reception place for September 2025 or beyond why not come and have a look around? 

Crackley Hall School Open Morning - Saturday 8 March 2025 - Click here to book

Crescent School Open Morning - Saturday 15 March 2025 - Click here to book

Can't wait that long? Both schools offer personal tours with the Headmaster where you can chat to the Heads one-to-one and see the school in action. Click the links below to arrange a personal tour at the relevant school. 

Crackley Hall School, Kenilworth - Personal Tour

Crescent School, Bilton Rugby - Personal Tour

The early bird deadline to apply for Reception 2025 is Friday 18 October 2024. 

Please note we have been considerably oversubscribed for Reception places over recent years and this year we have already seen good levels of interest in Reception at both schools for September 2025. Therefore, it is possible that all Reception places will be filled at the Early Bird deadline stage, though on occasion places become available later and are offered to the waiting group.

To find out more about either school please click the links below:

Crackley Hall School

Crescent School

Princethorpe College Spring Open Morning

Thursday 13 March 2025 - 10.30am - 12.30pm 

The College's Spring Open Morning will give prospective families a chance to visit the school on a normal working day, with Year 8 and 9 pupils acting as tour guides. This is the perfect opportunity for those looking to join the College in September 2026. Light refreshments will be available.

Please do put the date in your diary and spread the word amongst friends and family, all are very welcome! 




Old Princethorpian Interview

Lucy Coulson

Bit of background, where you live, what you do for a living:

I live in South Warwickshire with my husband and son. We lived in Manchester for five years, but the pandemic gave us the breathing space to reflect and make the big decision to move back to Warwickshire. It is lovely to be back nearer both of our families.

I am a practising Barrister at No5 Chambers, specialising in personal injury and professional disciplinary law. I have a varied practice, from accidents on construction sites to serious assaults in prison. I love being self employed. It has some downsides (no maternity pay!), but there is nothing like being your own boss. I have recently returned from maternity leave and I am trying to find a new work life balance.

Age: 33

When were you at Princethorpe - years from and to?

2002 – 2009 but I also came back for a summer job between 2009 and 2012.

What was the school like in your day?

My mum was a music teacher at Princethorpe (and remains dedicated to her job there), so it always felt like a second home to me. The school seemed a lot smaller when I started there. The gender balance was still off (only seven girls in my Year 7 Form!) There was a lot of development during my years there; I don’t think anyone misses the freezing cold West Door portacabins.

Princethorpe was a small and supportive community. We had some wonderfully dedicated, if sometimes eccentric, teachers. Honourable mentions for Sue Francis, Simon Peaple, Tracey Hester, Emma Litterick and Vikki Ball.

How did Princethorpe affect the person you are today?

Princethorpe gave me a sense of service. I often describe myself as ‘forever a prefect’ when I get roped into various committees and events at work.

During my summer job, I also met my husband. We had many a romantic walk through the woods at lunch time. Thanks to the lovely Angela Hales for acting as matchmaker.

What advice would you give to your teenage self?

Assert your own narrative.

Who or what has been the greatest influence on your life?

The University of Nottingham. I had so much time there. I found my people, my voice and my confidence. It also set me up for a great career. Things have come full circle as I’ve recently been appointed as an Honorary Assistant Professor at the Law School, so the next chapter begins.

What keeps you awake at night?

Normally my 1-year-old.

What has been your proudest moment/greatest achievement so far?

Obtaining pupillage (vocational training to be a barrister).

Competition is fierce and it is notoriously difficult to secure. I was two hours late to my final interview, because I had got on the wrong train. I was a crying mess and only bothered to turn up because my husband reminded me that there was a free lunch to be had. Such chaos meant that I was entirely relaxed and myself during the interview, having given up on the idea of a successful interview. Reader, they gave me the job!

What’s your biggest indulgence?

Musical Theatre.

If you had to have one last meal, what would it be?

As I am being nostalgic, a guaranteed winner is bacon sandwiches made by fellow OP Amy Thorne’s mum. She is still the best hostess.

If you could be anywhere right now, where would it be and who would be with you?

Bali with my family.

Lasting memories of Princethorpe:

I spent a lot of time in the Music corridor, either in Choir or Orchestra or Music lessons, or just waiting for my mum to finally take us home. I am obviously biased, but we were very privileged to have such a vibrant and dedicated music department. Choir tours were always fantastic; I went to Rome last year and retraced some of our Choir Tour steps from 2005. It seems mad to think that I was privileged enough to have sung in St Peter’s Basilica as a teenager - that place is incredible!

Are you in touch with any other Old Princethorpians, if so whom?

My sister, Rosie Coulson (she’s the best!), Becci Morris and Amy Thorne of course - we were bridesmaids at each other’s weddings and are forever friends! Sacha Galloway and Rory Rooney were Best Men at my wedding which was well attended by Princethorpe staff and students.

I’ve reconnected with a few people since I’ve moved back to Warwickshire, but if anyone from my time or from Choir, etc. is around, I would love to catch up.

Births, Deaths & Marriages

Baby Joy For OP Lucy Bailey (née McDermott)

Congratulations to Lucy Bailey (née McDermott), Class Of 2017, on the birth of her first child. Aiva Rose Bailey was born on Friday 14 June weighing 5lb 11oz.

Comments the new mum, "She is absolutely perfect and we are loving life as a family of four, including our little dog Wilson. Aiva is being baptised at Princethorpe at the start of November, in the Chapel where we got married last August, which will be lovely."

It's wonderful to hear that Lucy and her family are are enjoying this new chapter of their lives, and we wish them well.


Patrick Cox RIP

Paddy (Patrick) Cox - Champion Sportsman, Beloved Friend and Talisman for the Class of 1970 - 77 (March 8th 1959 –August 17th 2024)

It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of Paddy Cox, a remarkable athlete, cherished friend, and enduring spirit for the class of 1970-77. Paddy passed away on the of 17 August 2024, with two of his three daughters at his bedside. Paddy taken too soon by cancer at the age of 65. His loss leaves a profound void in the hearts of all who knew him.

Paddy was more than just a talented sportsman; he was a natural leader and an inspiration to everyone around him. Throughout his school years and beyond, he excelled in rugby, basketball, athletics, swimming, and cricket. His fierce competitiveness, coupled with a deep sense of camaraderie, made him not only a standout athlete but a true talisman for his peers. Paddy’s unwavering dedication and sheer skill on the field, court, and track were legendary.

As a rugby player, Paddy’s tenacity and strength made him a force to be reckoned with. His quick reflexes in basketball and his wicket keeping in cricket were matched only by his grace and endurance in swimming and athletics. No sport seemed too daunting for Paddy, and he approached each one with passion and sportsmanship that earned him the admiration of all who had the privilege to play with him and by those who watched him play.

But more than his sporting accolades, Paddy will be remembered for the warmth of his character. His kindness, humour, and always wanting to help the underdog shone as brightly as his sporting talents. We found out later in life that he was not a fan of bullies, as he came to the aid of a few, make that way more than a few, classmates who were dealing with some unpleasantries.

Although Paddy has left us far too soon, his legacy will continue to inspire those who knew him and those who follow in his footsteps. He is survived by his three loving daughters, Katie, Heidi and Emily. Emily’s first-born Isabella made him a doting grandpa and a soon to be born grandson, Liam Patrick Baptiste is going to carry on his name. Paddy’s career as a Motorbike Officer in the London Metropolitan Police led him to a chance encounter with an American lady who had been involved in an accident at a major roundabout in London. (damn yanks driving the wrong way ‘round the roundabout) Anyway, this meeting led to Paddy moving to the States to marry Brenda, the bad driver yank, and producing the three amazing women mentioned above. Paddy and the family resided in the Los Angeles area and all the time Paddy built a very successful Swimming Pool business. He remained an avid motorbike rider and often did long trips with some of the old boys up and down the California coast.

Some of us had the privilege of visiting Paddy in LA in 2022 and spending some quality time with him at his pad in Palm Springs, reminiscing about life at Princethorpe over a few beers. Memories that will stay with us for a long time.

Paddy Cox will forever be remembered as a true champion and advocate, both on and off the field. May he rest in peace.

Paddy is pictured with longstanding friend, Mike Halloran, in 2023.

The group photo was taken when the Class of 1977 visited Paddy in LA and Palm Springs in May 2022. Left to right: Robin Abeyesinhe, Mike Loughnane, Paddy Cox, Steve Evans, Harry Beauchamp, Mike Halloran, Mike Nagaur.

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RIP Christina Rex

Richard Rex wrote with the sad news that his mother, Christina, died on 14 August. The funeral, a requiem Mass, was held on Monday 2 September at All Saints’ Catholic Church in Thirsk, with family and friends present. Christina’s ashes will be laid to rest with those of her late husband, Peter, who predeceased her by a little over a decade.

Peter and Christina Rex arrived at Princethorpe from Huddersfield in the late sixties; Peter ultimately led History, Politics and Government Studies, and Christina taught English and was Head of Music. She was responsible for the Music Room being set up in what was the former sacristy, and Christina procured the College’s first grand piano shortly afterwards. 

They made their home at St Joseph’s on the Leamington Road, later moving to the south of Leamington and then to Ely in Cambridgeshire upon their retirement. Some time after Peter died, Christina moved to Yorkshire, which she loved, to be near to Richard’s home.

Alex Darkes, former Assistant Head of Princethorpe, and former pupil of Christina's, writes: “I put down a lot of my English language grammar and sentence construction to Christina’s teaching, which I found inspiring, practical, relevant and useful. My all-time favourite novel, Evelyn Waugh’s Decline and Fall, was studied with Christina and she brought just the right measures of seriousness and fun to make it interesting. I also remember her encouraging me to read Iris Murdoch.”

We send our condolences to Richard, his wife and their sons.

Double Celebration For OP Beth Plant

It's been ten years since OP Beth Plant left Princethorpe in 2014, armed with A-levels and ready to embark on her degree in English at Leicester University. Now her arms are about to hold her first child and an engagement ring adorns her hand. Beth takes up the story: 

"Likibi and I got engaged in Cornwall whilst we were on our Babymoon. It was very unexpected, as we were busy eating our weetabix at the breakfast table when Likibi suddenly got down on one knee and asked me to marry him! He had been planning the proposal for months after our return from a trip to his country of birth, Ghana, where I met a lot of his extended family for the first time.

"We first met through a mutual friend of ours, Ellie Potter. Ellie is one of my best friends who I met whilst we were at Princethorpe together (also Class of 2014), and Likibi lived with Ellie whilst they were both studying at the University of Nottingham. All the credit goes to her for setting us up, as she would always tell us we had so much in common; it turned out she was right!

"Our baby is due in early November and we couldn't be happier."

Congratulations to Beth and Likibi and we wish you every happiness.

Ice Cream And Crazy Golf At Hannah's Wedding

Law graduate Hannah Gregory (née Little), who left Princethorpe in 2012, has married her partner Oliver, having met him whilst they were both students at Hertfordhire University. Hannah takes up the story:

"I had a small interest in white water kayaking, and he was already an expert! We moved to the Leamington area shortly after I graduated and we have been here ever since. Our love of mountain biking, travelling and being outdoors has given us plenty of opportunity to travel the UK, and when we started wedding planning the Lake District had our hearts."

She continues, "We got married on Saturday 8 June at Low Hall, The Lakes, and were truly blessed to be surrounded by our families and friends. After a few days of solid rain the sun even decided to make an appearance! It truly was the most amazing day filled with joy, ice cream and crazy golf."

Congratulations to Hannah and Oliver and we wish you a happy future together.


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A Welsh Wedding For Rowanna Hughes

Congratulations to OP Rowanna Hughes (Class of 2015), who married her fiancé Matt on Friday 7 June at Tyn Dwr Hall in Llangollen, Wales. The bride shares details of the big day:

"The wedding was absolutely perfect and we were thrilled that the sun came out after a very rainy week. We were joined by 12 other OPs, including Maid of Honour, Lamorna McNevin (also Class of 2015). We enjoyed a relaxing mini-moon in Montenegro and are looking forward to our honeymoon in the Maldives and Sri Lanka in February.

We wish Rowanna and Matt a lovely honeymoon and many happy years together.


OP Jim Lowe Proposes At The Finish Line

Congratulations to Old Princethorpian Jim Lowe (Class of 2013), who got engaged to his partner, Evie, in the presence of their daughter this August.

Jim chose to make his proposal at a particularly special moment for him and his family. He had just completed the South West Coast Path Walking Challenge to raise funds for MNDA, the Motor Neurone Disease Association, in memory of his Grandpa John. Immediately after reaching the SWCP monument, he proposed to Evie using a token ring (actual engagement ring to be secured imminently!), with their daughter Scarlett looking on.

Thank you for sharing your news with us, Jim, and we wish you both well with your wedding plans.

Memory Bank

'Derbyshire Diary 1989' Records A Wonderful Trip For Crescent Pupils

Do you remember going on a residential to Derbyshire with Crescent School? We know that this trip was a rite of passage for many Old Crescentians; the first record of it in the Foundation Archive is from May 1979, with further references throughout the 1980s and early 1990s.

One wonderful, and very detailed, record of the trip can be found in the ‘Derbyshire Diary’ created by talented Crescent pupil Charlotte R in 1989. The folder which houses it is beautifully decorated to reflect the Derbyshire countryside, with blue skies, rolling green hills and even fluffy cotton wool sheep enjoying the sunshine!

As well as a fascinating first-hand account of the trip, the folder contains the daily itinerary, photographs, worksheets and souvenirs – and most importantly for any school residential, details of what was for breakfast each day! Visits to Eyam, Treak Cliff Cavern, Peveril Castle and Mam Tor were just some of the highlights mentioned. The diary ends with Charlotte’s reflection that ‘I enjoyed every bit of it and would love to do it again’ – we’re sure that this was a sentiment shared by many who went on this trip over the years.

The Derbyshire Field Trips are also mentioned in A History Of Crescent School that was updated for our 75th anniversary at the start of last year. You can order a copy of it on Princethorpe Connect here.

Do you have memories of your Derbyshire trip that you’d like to share? Do get in touch with us at archives@princethorpe.co.uk – we’d be delighted to hear from you!


  1. Derbyshire Diary cover
  2. Souvenirs purchased on the Derbyshire trip
  3. Final thoughts on the Derbyshire residential
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The Princethorpe Foundation Archive Receives A Wonderful Donation

Earlier this year, The Princethorpe Foundation was delighted to receive a very special and significant gift from a family with strong Princethorpe connections.

Former Foundation Assistant Head, Alex Darkes, was contacted in the spring by Marie Wheildon, whose late husband John had been a pupil (1966-1972) and deputy head boy at the College. Marie wished to donate to the Foundation Archive two beautifully embroidered altar fronts, which she had made in 1995 for St Joseph’s Church in Avon Dassett. Since the altar fronts were seeing less use at St Joseph’s due to a reduced number of services being held there, Marie was keen for them to be passed to the College in memory of John, and used in the Chapel at masses involving alumni from Princethorpe College and St Mary’s Priory.

The Wheildons’ links with Princethorpe have been strong through the generations, with Marie and John’s three children having followed in their father’s footsteps at the College. Marie’s brother Stephen Calnan is also a Princethorpe alumnus, while John’s sister Mary Wheildon – a familiar face to many of our Old Princethorpians community – is a past pupil of St Mary’s Priory.

The altar fronts are beautifully appliquéd with fine gold kid and intricately embroidered with religious symbolism including Alpha-Omega representing the beginning and the end, and the Chi-Ro and IHS symbols representing Christ. The designs were originally developed by Marie through discussions with the late Fr David Condron of St Francis of Assisi Church in Kineton.

We were delighted that Marie was able to join us as our special guest at our VSOPs reunion on 7 September, when the altar fronts saw their first use in the Chapel of Our Lady of Angels. Before the Mass was held by Fr Teddy O’Brien MSC, Alex Darkes shared the story of the altar fronts with the VSOPs, who greatly admired Marie’s beautiful handiwork and were fascinated to hear about the significance of these glorious items. Our thanks again to Marie for this wonderful donation, and we look forward to seeing the altar fronts in use at many Old Princethorpians’ masses in the future.

With thanks to Alex Darkes for information used in this article.






1)    Marie Wheildon with the altar front in the Chapel of Our Lady of Angels, VSOPs reunion, 7 September 2024

2)    Marie Wheildon with the altar front in St Joseph’s Church, c. 1995



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A Very Special Anniversary For Our Very Special Old Princethorpians!

This year’s VSOPs reunion was a particularly special event, as 2024 marks the centenary of the St Mary’s Priory Old Girls’ Association.

According to Peeps of Princethorpe, the Priory’s school magazine, the idea of an Old Girls’ Association first came about in December 1923, when St Mary’s Priory alumnae were allowed to return to the school site for the very first time. In true St Mary’s style, this momentous occasion was celebrated by means of a hockey match against the current pupils.

Not deterred by coming a close second in the match, the alumnae were inspired to take the first steps towards starting an Old Girls’ Association in the new year. The 1924 edition of Peeps of Princethorpe lists the aims of the nascent Association as ‘(1) to strengthen the bond between all old Princethorpians, and (2) to keep all former pupils in touch with their old School’: objectives which are still firmly at the heart of our Old Princethorpians community today.

In 1925, the growing Association reported in Peeps that ‘We are now becoming ambitious. We should like to devote a large part of our space to a new feature – “Notes and News of Old Princethorpians”’. This new section of the magazine, to which ‘All are invited to send details, even if to them they seem trivial and worthless’, proved a lasting success, and continues to provide us with fascinating insights into the life and times of the Old Girls who were featured over the years.

Peeps of Princethorpe can be viewed online at https://archives.princethorpe.co.uk/galleries/peeps
We hope you enjoy discovering some of the wonderful stories within its pages.


  1. Peeps of Princethorpe cover, 1924
  2. Alumnae return to St Mary’s Priory, December 1923 (Peeps of Princethorpe 1924)
  3. The Old Girls’ Association is formed, 1924 (Peeps of Princethorpe 1924)
  4. The Old Girls’ Association reports on progress, 1925 (Peeps of Princethorpe 1925)


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Prefect Hints And Tips Shared In Princethorpe College’s ‘Prefect Bible’

Were you a prefect during your time at Princethorpe? If so, you may remember the excitement being mixed with just a little bit of trepidation about the extra responsibilities of this important role. A recent addition to the Foundation Archives shows how some of our former prefects aimed to help their successors through the initial nerves by sharing their own first-hand experiences.

The ‘Prefect Bible’, which was passed to the Archives at the end of the summer term by, Assistant Head of Sixth Form, Cyprian Vella, was created by the prefects of 2017/18 for the incoming 2018/19 prefect body, and was subsequently added to by the prefects of 2018/19 and 2019/20. With a beautifully detailed cover, designed and decorated by a very talented prefect, it is a wonderful ‘how-to’ manual full of hints and tips. Specific sections included cover each of the prefect roles, as well as some helpful general pointers on meetings, duties and the prefect uniform.

Top tips include getting organised early on, celebrating each other’s successes, not being afraid to ask for help, and most of all enjoying the role – all of which have no doubt also been useful life skills for our prefects in their years beyond school. The Prefect Bible also contains some lovely photos of the contributing prefects enjoying life in their roles, and is a fantastic snapshot of the duties involved in each of the prefect positions. Above all, it is a wonderful example of the famous Princethorpe generosity of spirit, as students took time out of their busy schedules to encourage and support others for the benefit of the whole school community.

Were you a member of the prefect body who created or continued the Prefect Bible, or perhaps one of the incoming prefects who benefited from their words of wisdom? Or maybe you have other stories to share about being a prefect at Princethorpe? We would love to hear your memories of prefect life – please do send them in to archives@princethorpe.co.uk .


  1. Prefect Bible cover
  2. Prefect group shots and activities, 2017-18
  3. Prefect Bible ‘to be continued’ message from the 2017-18 prefect body
  4. Tips from the Deputy Head Girls and Boys, 2018-19
  5. Tips from the Charity Prefect, 2019-20
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OP Stuart Devlin Reunites With Head of Art

On Thursday 6 June, the College was delighted to welcome OP Stuart Devlin back to Princethorpe for a tour of the school.  

Stuart is a former pupil, having attended the College from 1982 to 1989, and he now resides in Devon with his wife, Helen. Stuart called the school to ask if he and Helen could drop in for a visit, as they were passing through the region. We are always pleased to see OPs, so it was a pleasure to be able to accommodate this spontaneous request. Caroline Spencer, Alumni and Development Officer, enjoyed taking Stuart on a trip down memory lane. 

The first port of call was the Art department, where Stuart was pleased to be reunited with Head of Art and Photography, and fellow OP, Paul Hubball (Class of 1991). In his school days, Stuart was close friends with Paul's older brother, OP Christopher Hubball, with whom Stuart says he shared many good laughs during their time at Princethorpe. It was warming to see the two catch up and reminisce.

One memory was triggered as Stuart walked past what had been, for him and his peers, the Pupil Common Room (now an Art classroom). Stuart recalled that at times the older pupils would throw water out of the windows onto the younger pupils who stood just outside, seemingly to make the pupil pecking order abundantly clear. Stuart, who also shared that he was Social Prefect for a time, didn't confess to engaging in these antics himself. Indeed, it appears he had a healthy respect for authority, as well as a creative streak, if his poem entitled 'In Trouble' is any indication. Our Archivist, Jo Wong, discovered this poem in our archives following Stuart's visit, and he granted us permission to share it. See the photo gallery accompanying this article.

It was great to welcome Stuart back to Princethorpe. In a follow-up email, Stuart commented: "It was an absolute delight to return to Princethorpe and it brought back so many fond memories. Even though much had changed there was still so much that had stayed as I remembered. To be able to meet with Paul Hubball was a real treat. Princethorpe holds a special place in my heart; it went a long way in shaping the person I am today. The values and principles I learnt at Princethorpe I still hold dear today. It really is an amazing educational institution and community, and it was so heartwarming to go back after all these years."


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Princethorpe Foundation Archives Is On X

If you are an X (formerly Twitter) user, you should follow our Princethorpe Foundation Archives X account. Our Archivist, Jo Wong, posts regularly sharing what is happening in the archives and plenty of wonderful photos and stories from our collections too. You can find her account here: https://x.com/PFdn_Archives

Posts over the summer have included everything from Prize Giving programmes with a rather lurid yellow design from the 1970s. A fabulous recycling logo produced back in 1991 showing how sustainability has been on the agenda here at Princethorpe for a very long time. And even a picture of Bertie, the faithful companion of Father James (Seamus) McManus MSC, who was Headmaster of St Bede’s College 1966-1972 and later Deputy Head at Princethorpe College.

Do feel free to comment and engage with her posts to share your memories! Or contact Jo directly at archives@princethorpe.co.uk

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Missing & Found

Gill Pittock Seeks St Joseph's Connections

Gill Pittock, who attended St Joseph's from 1967 to 1981, would like to reconnect with her former classmates.

She told us that she took her O Levels in 1979 and left after A-levels, the same year Sister Patrick retired. She recalls a good friend, Natasha, and another friend, Beverley, in the year above, who herself had an older sister there.

If you remember Gill at all, or can share any information about St Joseph's at that time, then do please let us know. Email oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.


OP Updates

Honours For New Doctor Anna Fraser

We were delighted to hear that Old Princethorpian Anna Fraser, Class of 2016, has just graduated from Warwick Medical School and is now a fully qualified doctor.

Anna is celebrating the particular achievement of receiving the qualification with Honours, which are awarded only to the top 10% of the year's cohort for receiving the highest academic grades throughout the whole degree.

Anna's Science teachers from her time at Princethorpe are thrilled, but not surprised, to hear of Anna's success, as they recall her attitude and aptitude as a student were a positive influence on those around her. Joanne Smith reports, "I remember Anna being a very diligent pupil who was self-motivated and determined to achieve high grades. Anna was always an enthusiastic and engaged pupil: she had an attitude that encouraged and aided those around her". Similarly, Faye Roberts comments, "Anna was an exceptionally hard working and conscientious pupil who had an excellent work ethic and always tried her hardest".

Her former Year 8 Form Tutor, Clare White, remembers Anna being "intelligent and motivated and also the nicest, friendliest person", predicting that "her attributes will make her an amazing doctor."

Comments Anna, "I’m now working as a doctor in a big hospital down in Devon and am loving life near the sea!”

Congratulations to Anna and we wish her well in her new post.

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Upcoming Live Music Event A Mini OP Reunion

We were delighted when OP Kate Adkins (formerly Whitfield) reached out to tell us about a Live Music event due to take place at the café she runs with her husband and fellow OP, Matt Adkins. We always enjoy catching up with our former pupils, but this was particularly heartwarming because the artist performing at this event is also an Old Princethorpian.

On Sunday 27 October, at Puddleduck Café And Gallery on Holt Farm, Southam, OP Georgina Dadson will be performing as a member of guitar duo, Eros Duo. Georgina studied at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, earning a degree in Music Performance. She has since completed a Masters degree and developed a portfolio career as a musician, engaging in recording sessions recently with a friend she met and studied alongside at the Conservatoire. She also works with a flautist for the charity, Live Music Now, who go into community settings from care homes to special educational needs schools, performing and leading participatory music workshops.

Comments Georgina, "I was very excited to see all that Kate is doing at the Puddleduck Café. I love how she is creating a real community through music and art and I’m really excited to be able to perform there."

Kate and Matt will be opening the café between 11.00am and 5.00pm on the Sunday, serving coffee, cake and sandwiches, and this lunchtime performance marks the café's last working day of the year before they close for the winter. They are promising that with this talented duo they will be closing the season on a high, so we encourage you to go along if you're free, in support of these three OPs who are so committed to serving their communities through music, art and refreshments!

You can follow the Puddleduck Café And Gallery on Facebook here: Puddleduck Café And Gallery

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Three Former Boarders Reminisce On Three Day Tour

It is always good to hear from former pupils and back in May, after sending out the Trinity Term OP Newsletter, we were delighted to receive an update from three former boarders, Caspar Davies, Stjohn White and Tom Hilditch. 

The trio, self-professed extremely old boys, met up recently to conquer an arduous walk along the River Thames from Abingdon to Oxford. The three were boarders at Princethorpe between 1977 and 1984, and have been meeting on a near annual basis for the last 40 years to compare ailments, share family news, and reminisce on their years at Princethorpe College. 

They commented that, "Trundling between damp pubs on their three-day-tour, many important issues were explored. No verdicts were reached on the merits of DEI, Brexit, vaccinations or whether a tin foil hat would help Tom Hilditch. But the following was agreed: Caspar Davies brought superior walking boots and is still ridiculously organised, Stjohn’s moustache is a work of art (as is his impersonation of Mr O’Grady herding a lunchtime queue). We loved seeing Emilio Doorgasingh in Game of Thrones, and Alex Darkes will probably retire more often than Frank Sinatra.

And – most importantly – the friendships formed at school are one of life’s treasures."

Ten Years On And Oliver Is Still Lost In Music

Old Princethorpian Oliver Dunster-Sigtermans left Princethorpe in 2014, and it was a pleasure to hear from him and his family about what he's been up to in the decade since. Some things, it seems, never change, as this former student who showed great aptitude for music is now making a career out of this passion.

After A-Levels, Oliver went on to study at Leeds Conservatoire of Music, from 2014 to 2017, gaining a BA in Popular Music and specialising in Composition and Electric Guitar. He also gained a DipLCM diploma, with distinction, in Electric Guitar Teaching.

Oliver still lives in Leeds and enjoys a very busy musical life. He teaches across three different schools, plays in three bands, and yet finds time to also compose his own music. Earlier this year he was appointed as an Examiner for Rock School Examinations and has already examined around the country, with the opportunity in the future of conducting more examinations around the world.

His former Music teacher, Director of Music Gil Cowlishaw, remembers Oliver fondly: "Oli was in my GCSE class, which I took over when joining the school, and then carried on into A-Level as well. He was a really bright and enthusiastic student who absolutely loved drumming, especially as the drummer in our popular Jazz Band. He was also really keen on films and film music, and I remember having some great nerdy conversations over coursework feedback! Composition was a particular strength of his and it's great to know that he has gone on to forge a successful career in Music."

We wish Oliver well in his future musical endeavours. 

OP Sean Hedigan Tracks Down Father Sweeney

Back in June, OP Sean Hedigan (Class of 1989) got in touch to share the news that he had met up with Father Sweeney. 35 years after leaving Princethorpe College, Sean had decided it was high time he caught up with his former headmaster and after making a few enquiries he had managed to track him down.

Sean met Fr. Sweeney on Tuesday 4 June in Galway in Ireland, he very much enjoyed talking to Fr. Sweeney, sharing many stories and reminiscing on the good old days of Princethorpe when the College was a boarding school. 

We last heard from Sean back in the summer of 2019, when he gave us an update on his life post Princethorpe for the Old Princethorpian newsletter (if you didn't get the chance then, you can read it here: https://oldprincethorpian.co.uk).

We also enjoy hearing from OPs, many thanks for sharing this with us Sean.

OP Jack Neale Sets His Sights On The RAF

Old Princethorpian Jack Neale was a pupil at Princethorpe between 2014 and 2021. He has just completed his degree in Agriculture at Nottingham University, and, being a keen member of East Midlands Universities Air Squadron, is now intending to join the RAF as a pilot.

As a pupil, Jack demonstrated a passion for physical challenge and service to the community through his participation in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. Nominated by former Head of Outdoor Education, Will Bower, he became one of Princethorpe's first DoE Young Ambassadors, along with OP Luke Brotherton. Together, they worked alongside Princethorpe’s Duke of Edinburgh team promoting, guiding and mentoring pupils participating in the Awards scheme. 

Jack was then elected to be Head Boy for the 2020-21 academic year, and as much of that time at school was disrupted by COVID 19, he worked particularly hard to engage the pupil community.

Since leaving the College, Jack's love of the outdoors and commitment to service has continued, indicated by his choice of degree and his involvment in military service, culminating now in his latest endeavour, to raise money for a military welfare charity.

Comments Jack, "Those who know me will concur that the military, and the RAF in particular, is a passion that I hold very close to my heart. I also love challenging myself physically, so therefore on the 20 October 2024 I will be running the Yorkshire Marathon in support of a truly great cause."

He explains, "The Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund is a leading military welfare charity which supports current and former members of the RAF, their partners and families, providing practical, emotional and financial support, whenever it is needed. I’d like to thank you for being kind enough to take a look at my Just Giving page. If you can’t spare any donations, please feel free to share the page."

We wish him the best of luck in the Marathon.

You find out more about Jack's fundraising challenge, and donate, here: https://www.justgiving.com/page/jack-neale

OP Harry Bromwich Enters Marathon for Get A-Head

Old Princethorpian Harry Bromwich was a pupil at Princethorpe between 2015 and 2022. He is now entering his final year of a BSc. in Real Estate at Oxford Brookes University.

Alongside his studies, however, Harry is currently in training for the Oxford Half Marathon which takes place on Sunday 13 October. Harry is taking on the challenge to raise funds for a charity close to his and his family's hearts.

The Get A-Head Charitable Trust supports people with head and neck diseases, particularly cancer, and Harry's family have long been associated with this Midlands-founded charity.

Due to his family's medical history, Harry underwent major thyroid surgery when he was in primary school as a preventative measure to avoid a rare form of cancer. He comments, "The only lasting impact for me really is that I have to take daily medication to control my thyroxin levels and have to undergo routine blood tests. On a much wider scale however, the research funded by Get A-Head means that a simple blood test has now been developed which will determine whether anyone else in our family or anywhere else in the world has the faulty gene responsible for causing familial medullary thyroid carcinoma.

It’s for this reason and all the other great work Get A-Head does to fund research, education and equipment, to support people with head and neck diseases, that I have decided to run the Oxford Half Marathon. I want to give something back and this will be a big challenge."

September 2024 marks the beginning of Harry's final year at university, and afterwards he hopes to work in the property industry and become a chartered surveyor.

We wish him the best of luck in the Marathon.

You find out more and donate through his Just Giving page at Harry Bromwich_Oxford Half Marathon

A Fundraising Family Adventure for OP Luke

OP Luke Daniel (Class of 2019), along with his father Simon and brother Martin, took on the challenge of the Rugby Round Table's Skinflint Rally this September, in order to raise money for a charity that has made a huge impact on their family's lives.

The Skinflint Rally is a charity car rally with the aim of having a great time whilst driving some of Europes best roads, all in the name of fundraising. The rule that makes it particularly challenging is that the cars driven must cost no more than £500. Teams are then allowed to spend more money making it roadworthy and ready for the three-day pan-European road trip. There are various check-in points and treasure hunts and along the way.

Luke, Simon and Martin chose to stand out in thrifty style, driving a Barbie-pink PT Cruiser. The journey began in their hometown of Rugby and was completed in the Spanish city of Barcelona, but whilst the rally itself was a fun-filled adventure for the team, they were ultimately driven by their desire to fundraise for the Ronald McDonald House Charities UK.

The charity provided essential support for Luke's sister Laura and her husband Dave, including a place to stay, during their daughter, Mollie’s, treatment at Birmingham Children’s Hospital for a rare genetic condition.

Luke was hoping to raise £5,000 to sponsor a bedroom for a year at the Ronald McDonald House, which is attached to Birmingham Children's Hospital. Amazingly, the team has almost doubled their initial target and is now hoping to be able to support two bedrooms.

You can find out more about their fundraising challenge and donate here: https://www.justgiving.com/page/simon-daniel-skinflint2024

You can follow the Skinflint Rally on Instagram here: Instagram - Skinflint Rally

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Jim Lowe Completed The South West Coast Path

In our last newsletter, we shared that OP Jim Lowe (Class of 2013) was preparing to take on the challenge of the South West Costal Path, walking 630 miles from Minehead to Poole in 29 days. He was embarking on the challenge to raise funds for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, in memory of his Grandpa John.

We are pleased to announce that Jim completed this challenge in August and he comments:

“Walking the South West Coast Path was an absolutely incredible experience and one I will not forget. I would encourage anyone to take the time to embark on an adventure of their own if they have the opportunity, especially if it is for a worthy cause.

I would like to thank the Princethorpe Foundation community for their generous donations and words of encouragement along the way. I’m pleased to say that with their contributions we have raised a whopping £8,126 for the MND Association, helping the many people that live with this cruel disease. Thank you!”

You can see Jim's comments and photos, charting his progress, on his Instagram account here: https://www.instagram.com/jim_walks4mnda

We congratulate Jim on his accomplishment and wish him well as he rests and recovers.

OPs Visit Us For A Trip Down Memory Lane

We regularly receive requests from OPs to come and visit their old school and it is a pleasure to be able to welcome them back and accompany them on a wander around the site. 

During the Summer, Princethorpe College was delighted to welcome two past pupils, neither of whom had been back to the school since they were pupils.

Dan Cronin attended the College from 1999 to 2007. Almost twenty years on, he remains well connected to the life of the College and fellow OPs (OP Committee member Ed Hunter was Best Man at Dan's wedding), but this was the first time he had set foot on the grounds since he left.

As Alumni Relations and Development Officer, Caroline Spencer, accompanied him, Dan nostalgically pointed out his Years 7, 8 and 9 Form Rooms, and was slightly disoriented to discover the conversion of his old Sixth Form Common Room into what is now F7, one of our Textiles rooms. Dan was impressed by the Sixth Form Centre which was built in 2008, just after he left, and marvelled at the Science Centre, commenting that it was all a lovely but surreal experience to see how the College has evolved. 

Since leaving the College, Dan has become a husband and proud father of two young girls, and has gained over 13 years experience in the field of marketing. Dan is now the Founding Director of Phygital Media, a marketing agency which prides itself in being a local partner with national and international expertise. It was great to welcome Dan back to Princethorpe and we wish him and his family all the best.

Our other summertime College walkabout was an opportunity ceased by Paul Doherty, who was collecting in person his purchase of three copies of A Spirit of Family: The First Fifty Years of Princethorpe College, by Alex Darkes and Nick Baker. The book holds particular significance for Paul as Alex Darkes was his first Form Tutor, and the additional copies were to be gifts for his brothers, fellow OPs Patrick Doherty (Class of 1989) and Martin Doherty (Class of 1976), both now living abroad. Paul was a pupil here between 1979 and 1984 so this visit coincided with his 40th anniversary of leaving the College.

Paul enjoyed spotting himself and other familiar faces in the school photos along the Cloisters corridor, and recalled that his friends, Tommy and Mark McGarry, were usually getting into some sort of mischief. In the Refectory, the sights and smells brought back memories of school dinners and washing up duty, and the Honours Boards reminded him of his achievements playing Table Tennis (see the Gallery).

Nowadays, Paul is Director of Rix Oakleys Midlands, part of the family-owned fuel supplier Rix Petroleum, and he shared that it was through his work that he'd recently reconnected with another OP peer, Adam Beaty. Paul has fond memories of his time at Princethorpe and was pleased to be able to take a wander around the site, even visiting his old form room, now a Geography classroom.

We enjoy welcoming all OPs, past parents and former staff, so please do get in touch by emailing oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk, or calling 01926 634209, if you would like to arrange a visit.

If you would like to reconnect with old school friends and keep in touch with the life of the College and its wider community, you can sign up to Princethorpe Connect here

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