Development News

Celebrating Our Sporting Heritage And Looking To The Future

On the evening of Friday 10 May, Princethorpe College hosted a memorable dinner at the College’s Sixth Form Centre, bringing together 80 members of our vibrant community. Old Princethorpians, current and former staff, as well as current and former parents, gathered to celebrate our rich sporting heritage and to look ahead with excitement to the future of sports at Princethorpe.

Guests were welcomed on the Sixth Form lawn with drinks, enjoying the beautiful surroundings and reconnecting with old friends. As they made their way inside, they were greeted by Ed Hester, Foundation Principal, who set a warm and welcoming tone for the evening.

The dinner featured a series of inspiring talks, starting with OP Dan Skelton, racehorse trainer. Dan spoke fondly about his time at Princethorpe, highlighting how the experiences and values he gained here have shaped his successes today. He also shared how he has recently taken up cricket to help relax and provide a balance outside of his family and work commitments. His reflections on the significance of maintaining physical activity and finding joy in sports resonated deeply with the audience.

Following Dan's heartfelt speech, guests enjoyed a delicious meal prepared by our talented catering team.

After dinner, Nick Cook, a distinguished friend of the College and former English cricketer, took the stage. Nick shared captivating stories from his cricketing career and discussed the invaluable lessons he learned through perseverance and teamwork. His engaging talk concluded with a lively Q&A session, where guests had the opportunity to ask questions and gain further insights into his experiences.

The evening reached its pinnacle when, Headmaster, Grove du Toit presented his vision for the future of sports at Princethorpe. Grove spoke passionately about the College’s commitment to expanding and enhancing our sports facilities to better serve our pupils and community. He outlined ambitious plans that promise to elevate Princethorpe’s sporting programs, fostering an environment where our young people can thrive both competitively and personally. His vision includes new initiatives and improvements designed to attract and support our pupils, ensuring that Princethorpe remains at the forefront of school sports.

Grove’s address was met with enthusiasm, reflecting the community’s shared excitement for the future. His vision highlights the College’s dedication to nurturing future generations of athletes and reinforcing the importance of sports in personal development.

As the evening drew to a close, guests mingled and continued their conversations, leaving with a renewed sense of pride and anticipation. The dinner was not only a celebration of our past achievements but also a powerful reminder of the potential that lies ahead. It reinforced the strong bonds within our Princethorpe family and our collective commitment to nurturing future generations.

The event was a resounding success, thanks in large part to the participation and enthusiasm of our alumni, staff, and parents. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who attended and contributed to making the evening so memorable. Here’s to the rich sporting tradition of Princethorpe College and to the exciting future that awaits.

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College Hosts Second Annual Farmers Networking Dinner And Launches Smallholding Project Fundraising Appeal

In February, Princethorpe College was proud to host its second annual Farmers Networking Dinner, an event that has quickly become a highlight in our community calendar. This year’s gathering was especially momentous as we launched our fundraising appeal for a new and exciting project - the development of a smallholding at the school. The dinner brought together 80 members of the Princethorpe and farming communities in a vibrant evening of networking, insightful presentations, and shared aspirations for the future of agriculture and education.

The event featured two distinguished speakers from our alumni network who provided valuable perspectives on the agricultural sector. John Price, a Princethorpe alumnus, captivated the audience with his reflections on the current state of farming and his personal experiences since his time at Princethorpe. His insights into modern farming practices and the challenges facing today’s agriculturalists resonated deeply with both the younger and older members of the audience.

We were also honoured to have Jennie Wheildon, Partner at Shakespeare Martineau law firm and an expert in agricultural law, who presented on alternative funding opportunities for farmers. Her expertise shed light on innovative financial solutions that could benefit farmers looking to expand or sustain their operations in these challenging economic times.

The highlight of the evening was the official launch of our smallholding project fundraising appeal. The smallholding aims to provide our pupils with hands-on agricultural education and experience in sustainable farming practices. This initiative is designed to not only enrich our curriculum but also to foster an appreciation and understanding of food production and farm management among our students.

Furthermore, the smallholding is envisioned as a community hub, where we aim to welcome young people from across the region to learn in the environment and gain practical knowledge about agricultural practices. This inclusive approach reinforces our commitment to broadening access to agricultural education and fostering a deeper connection with the natural world.

The enthusiasm and support from the attendees were overwhelming, with many expressing their commitment to the project. The launch generated significant initial contributions, indicating strong community support and a promising start towards reaching our funding goal.

As we move forward with this project, we look forward to the continued involvement and support of our alumni and community partners. The smallholding will not only serve as an educational tool but also as a community resource, where the principles of environmental stewardship and sustainable agriculture are practiced and taught.

We are grateful for the robust turnout and the spirited discussions that marked this year's Farmers Networking Dinner. Such events underscore the strength of our community and its dedication to advancing agricultural education and sustainable practices.

Stay tuned for more updates as we progress with the development of the smallholding and continue to foster a connection between Princethorpe College and the broader agricultural community. Your support and involvement are invaluable to us as we embark on this exciting journey to educate future generations of farmers and environmental stewards.

You can support the Smallholding project here.

Steve Kowal
Development Director

Princethorpe The Charity

We are constantly seeking ways to make a meaningful impact - not just within the walls of our classrooms but beyond. It is with great pride that we share an often-overlooked aspect of our institution: our status as a registered charity (1087124). This designation is not just a bureaucratic label; it is a gateway to extensive philanthropic opportunities that cater to the diverse interests and passions of our community.

The Princethorpe Foundation and our schools are uniquely positioned to act as a conduit for charitable efforts across a spectrum of causes. Whether it's advancing educational opportunities, preserving cultural heritage, promoting religious understanding, or supporting environmental stewardship, the possibilities are as vast as the imagination and goodwill of our community members.

A Platform for Diverse Philanthropic Activities

Every contribution we receive can be directed towards initiatives that resonate deeply with donors’ values. This model of giving ensures that our community can support a broad array of projects, making philanthropy highly personal and immediately impactful. Here are just a few ways that donations are helping:

  • Access to Education: Our bursaries are directly impacting the lives of young people and their families, who excel academically, but could otherwise not afford a Princethorpe Education.
  • Cultural Preservation: Support to maintain and celebrate our historic priory buildings.
    Sports and the Arts: Activities that nurture pupils' physical and creative growth and the facilities they use.
  • Agricultural Education: Initiatives that promote farming practices and enhance pupils' understanding of agriculture’s critical role in our ecosystem and economy.

These examples only scratch the surface of what we can achieve together. Our charitable framework allows us to funnel support where it is most needed or most desired, turning the generous contributions of today into the lasting benefits of tomorrow.

Engage, Contribute, and Impact

We invite every member of our community to engage with us in this journey of philanthropy. Think about what causes you are passionate about. How can your contributions, big or small, play a role in advancing these causes? We are here to facilitate this process, to make sure that your giving is as rewarding as it is effective.

If you have ideas, projects, or specific causes you would like to support, please reach out. We are eager to discuss how we can work together to harness the power of our community for the greater good. Your involvement is crucial to our success and vital in shaping the philanthropic landscape of our community.

Through your support, we can continue to expand the boundaries of what we can achieve as a collective. Let’s continue to inspire change and make a significant impact on the world around us. Together, we can build a legacy of community, care, and change that will resonate for generations to come.

Thank you for your continued support and commitment to our collective future. Let us harness our efforts to not only educate but to enrich our world in myriad ways.

For more information or to make a donation, please contact Steve Kowal, our Development Director at

Together, we can do so much. Let's make it possible.