
Careers Fair 2014

Saturday 29 March - 9.30am to 1.00pm

Looking ahead to next year, the College's Careers Fair is set to take place on Saturday 29 March 2014. 

At the inaugural event in 2012 around half the speakers were Old Princethorpians. They generously gave of their time, knowledge and experience, sharing information and advice with our pupils from Years 10 to Sixth Form and their parents.

Once again we will be looking for speakers on a wide range of different professions and careers and for organisations to take part in the Fair. If you are interested in getting involved please email and we will keep you informed of our plans.


Christmas Fair

Sunday 24 November  - 2.00pm to 4.30pm

The College's annual PTA Christmas Fair will take place on Sunday 24 November from 2.00pm to 4.30pm.

As well as the 'must visit' Old Princethorpians stand, there will be an array of stalls full of present ideas, games and activities, festive music and refreshments plus of course Santa in his grotto!

This is a good chance to see the College at a weekend and all the family are very welcome to come along!

Sixth Form Open Evening

Wednesday 13 November - 7.00pm to 9.00pm

Aimed at internal and external prospective Sixth Formers and their parents, this is an opportunity to get an insight into the Sixth Form experience at Princethorpe, to meet staff and members of the Sixth Form and to get specific A-level information and advice.

Individual taster days for prospective external Sixth Formers are available. For more information please contact the Registrar, Mrs Loretta Curtis on 01926 634201 or email
Scholarships and bursaries are available.

Prize Giving Ceremony

Friday 8 November 2013 - 7.30pm

This year's Prize Giving will be held on Friday 8 November in the Butterworth Hall at Warwick Arts Centre beginning at 7.30pm.

Our guest of honour and speaker this year is the Rt Hon Jeremy Wright, Member of Parliament for Southam and Kenilworth.

The OPs Committee traditionally hosts a special Drinks Reception before the ceremony for the U6 leavers and other invited guests. All OPs are cordially invited to join us for the Pre-Drinks at 6.30pm in the Helen Martin Studio and for the Prize Giving Ceremony.

RSVP with the number in your party, stating that you are an Old Princethorpian, to by Friday 11 October please.


Two Monarchs And Their Painters Of Genius

Thursday 17 October 2013 - 7.30pm

The exceptional paintings of two court artists will be the subject of an illustrated talk by former Deputy Head Margaret-Louise O'Keeffe at 7.30pm on Thursday 17 October 2013 in the Sixth Form Lecture Theatre.

Born in the same year, 1599, the outstanding court painters of the 17th century, Velazquez and Van Dyck, are forever associated with the courts they helped to immortalise. Velazquez captured the pathos of the ailing Habsburg dynasty and its ruler, Philip IV, while Van Dyck has left an indelible image of the Stuart court, many of whose members were doomed to die during the Civil War and whose king, Charles I was executed on the scaffold in Whitehall on a cold January morning.

With their brilliance as portraitists and their exemplary facility with paint, the similarities and differences between these great artists are fascinating to explore.

Tickets are £5 with Princethorpe and Crackley Hall pupils free of charge; this includes light refreshments afterwards in The Atrium. Advance booking is helpful, please, for catering but tickets may be paid for and collected on the door. Bookings please to

The evening is open to anyone who would like to attend, so please tell family and friends.

Arts Society Form - 17 October 2013.pdf

Crackley Hall And Little Crackers Open Day

Thursday 10 October - 10.00am to 3.00pm

Crackley Hall, Princethorpe's junior school and nursery in Kenilworth, is opening its doors for an open day on Thursday 10 October from 10.00am to 3.00pm.

Exciting building work to provide more classrooms, specialist teaching rooms for Art and Music, bettter IT, Science and Technology and improved sports changing rooms was completed last year and is already making a positive impact on the school. The addition of an outside classroom over the summer holidays has met with approval from pupils and staff.

Little Crackers is open for 48 weeks of the year and year round and term time places are now available.

All are welcome to look round the school and nursery, and to meet staff and pupils during a normal working day. No need to book.

For more information call 01926 514444 or visit



Open Afternoon

Sunday 6 October - 2.00pm to 5.00pm

The annual College Open Afternoon takes place on Sunday 6 October from 2.00pm to 5.00pm. All are welcome to visit the College and younger visitors are encouraged to participate in the many fun subject-related activities around the various departments.

The Headmaster will address visitors during the afternoon and refreshments will be available.



Old Princethorpians Unveil New Events Calendar 2013/2014

The Old Princethorpians Association has unveiled its events calendar for the forthcoming academic year.

All OPs, past parents and staff are welcome to participate in any or all of the events which range from the OPs Sports Day to pub meets and the annual picnic.

New for this year is a gathering in the Canadian Room of the prestigious East India Club in St James' Square, London on Friday 16 May, pictured. The event will include the official placing of the Princethorpe crest on the Club's school 'wall of fame', where it will sit alongside the crests of schools such as Eton, Harrow and Rugby.

Click here to download the calendar or visit the Old Princethorpians section at for more information on Old Princethorpians.