Welcome to the fourteenth issue of The Old Princethorpian, Princethorpe College's termly e-newsletter for past pupils, staff and parents, old and new.

The newsletter aims to keep OPs in touch with each other and news, developments and events at the College.

This issue includes a review of the fantastic OPs Sports Day, a round up of A-level and GCSE results, a touch of glamour through associations with Miss and Mr England, plus plenty of updates from OPs across the decades.

If you have any comments on the e-newsletter or news to contribute to the next issue, which is due out in February, please email us at oldprincethorpians@princethorpe.co.uk.

The next College event is Open Afternoon this Sunday 6 October and the next OPs event is the Prize Giving Pre-Drinks at Warwick Arts Centre on Friday 8 November. We'd love to see you if you can make it along!

Have a great Autumn!




Old Princethorpian Interview

Births, Deaths & Marriages

Memory Bank

OP Updates