Missing & Found

Where Are You Now? Peter Griffin Seeks Out Past Economics and Business Students

I began my teaching at Princethorpe in September 1978 as a raw, naïve and inexperienced 22-year old. I have been fortunate enough to ‘pull the wool over the eyes’ of seven different headmasters over the last 36+ years and had the good fortune to enjoy senior posts of responsibility including 12 years as Deputy Head and 19 years managing all aspects of public examinations.

Throughout all this time my first love has been my teaching, initially of Economics and then of Economics and Business. I hope I have been successful at imparting some of my enthusiasm and interest in the subject to most (if not all) of those I have had the privilege of teaching over these years.

In all probability this will be my last year in the classroom at Princethorpe and during this final year I would really love to renew acquaintances with lots of my former students, especially all those who were patient enough to survive two years of A-level teaching, many of whom went on to study some aspect related to Economics or Business at university.

I have kept detailed records of my A-level classes since 1980 and know that I have assisted 341 students to achieve A-level success. I would love to hear from those who bear the scars of my teaching to find out how your career has progressed since leaving Princethorpe - what degree you pursued, the jobs and posts you have held etc. I would really like to share your biographies with my present students, hopefully to inspire them that there is life after Princethorpe.

In addition if you could send a current photo plus one of you as an 18-year old it might help my failing memory to ‘put a name to a face’. Finally if you have any printable memories of your time suffering in my classroom I would love to hear how you managed to survive.

I would also hope that many of you may be able to attend the Old Princethorpians Summer Supper in June when we might have the opportunity to catch up and share fading memories.

Peter Griffin
