Births, Deaths & Marriages

Births - Imogen Carole Lakin-Hubball

Imogen Carole Lakin-Hubball (or Immy as she is now called) arrived safely at 9.10 am on Thursday 9 December 2010 at University Hospital Coventry. She weighed in at 6 lbs 6oz and in just a few weeks is now nearly 11lbs. 

Very proud dad, Paul (1985 to 1991) Head of Art at the College, and his wife Julie are, inspite of being tired, finding family life very rewarding and loving every minute of it!

Paul comments that Immy's claim to fame is as the first child to be born of an Old Princethorpian whilst on the staff at Princethorpe!

"We've broken the curse!", he jokes.

Welcome Immy!!

Rebecca and John's Winter Wonderland Wedding

A winter wonderland greeted guests when Rebecca Dyke (1995 -2002) married John Andrews in a civil ceremony on Sunday 19 December 2010 at Coombe Lodge, Blagdon, just outside Bristol. A beautiful country house built in the 1930’s for the Wills tobacco family. 
The day was picture perfect as the whole country was covered in a blanket of snow. The ceremony began at 2pm and after canapés by the Christmas tree and braving the snow for some pictures, a candlelit dinner was served followed by dancing to a live band.

The wedding was peppered with old Princethorpians James Griffin, Christopher Griffin, Michael Curtis and the bride’s sister Ruth Dyke (who was also a bridesmaid) along with teachers Peter and Liz Griffin, Alex Darkes, Loretta Curtis and of course, mother of the bride, Lynne Dyke from Princethorpe College front of house admin staff.

After the big day the happy couple enjoyed a fantastic two week honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico!

Rebecca and John currently live in Hatfield, Herts and both work in central London, Rebecca as a ladieswear fashion designer and John as a project manager for an insurance company. 

Congratulations to the happy couple!!

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October Wedding For Fliss and Kevin

Felicity King-Evans (1997 - 2001), married Kevin Hannah on Saturday 30 October 2010 at Brandon Hall, near Coventry.

Unfortunately, good friend and OP Rosie Davey couldn't make it from New Zealand, but her mother Anne Davey, Bursar at the College, stepped in to represent her!

Fliss and Kevin now live in Cheshire. Fliss is a financial journalist and currently deputy editor at and Kevin is a nuclear engineer.

The couple expect their first baby in April.

Many congratulations all round!

Births - Declan Christopher Webb

Sean Webb (1977 - 1984) and his wife Michelle (nee Conway) are delighted to announce the birth of their third son, Declan Christopher Webb, born on 7 January 2011 in Cagnes sur Mer, France.

After leaving Princethorpe, Sean completed a Masters in Modern History and French at Corpus Christi College, Oxford University, inspired by his old history teacher, Paul Norris. 

Sean and Michelle (née Conway), also of Rugby, were married at Princethorpe in September 1994.

They moved permanently to France in October 1994 and Sean is now Director of Private Banking at Banque Martin Maurel Sella in Monaco. Michelle is Senior Project Manager at Texas Instruments at Villeneuve Loubet, France.

Declan's big brothers are Kieran, aged 6 and Liam, aged 3 both pictured with Declan and Sean.

Many congratulations to all! 

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Alex Wallis RIP

Alex Wallis (Princethorpe 2003-2010) was tragically killed in a road traffic accident on 31 January 2010 at about 2.05pm. He was on his own, returning home from a session in the gym and was looking forward to the New Year.

Headmaster, Ed Hester pays tribute to him.

I remember the first time I saw Alex Wallis; it was on the Rugby pitch in the Year 7 inter-house tournament in the winter of 2003. He was playing for Fisher House, alongside Rohit Judge, Felix Heath, Will Clothier, Felix Van Spall, Henry Green and James Hester. He was known then simply as “Wallis”; the name stuck – it suited him.

Fisher went on to win comfortably that day and indeed across the school Fisher have always been strong in recent years. It was fitting that Wallis went on to be House Captain of the House he served so well for seven years.

Alex Wallis was a very fine young man and a delight to know. He had many, many friends at Princethorpe where he spent seven very happy years, before leaving us after Upper Sixth in July 2010. Alex was heavily involved in all aspects of school life and always gave his best. As a natural sportsman, Rugby was his real passion; his express pace and fearless tackling made him a quality winger – indeed he scored two tries when the Old Princethorpians narrowly defeated our 1st XV in September - but it was his dedication and enthusiasm which really singled him out. It was typical of him that when he twice broke his collar-bone in the Sixth Form, Alex would act as touch-judge for the 1st XV, remaining cheerful in adversity. He was a superb College prefect and as House Captain he was an inspiration to the younger pupils; coaching them, encouraging them and inspiring them to participate. In undertaking charitable events such as the Coventry Way 40–mile sponsored walk for Mary’s Meals or looking after our elderly visitors to the College Christmas lunch he showed great tenacity, patience and humour.

Alex was also the perfect gentleman; he valued friendship and was conspicuous in his loyalty to others but he also had a great sense of fun. He was a true Princethorpian.

Alex’s tragic death has been a huge shock for us all. He will be sadly missed by the staff and students. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.

Alex's funeral took place in the Princethorpe College Chapel on Friday 21 January. Over 600 people attended; as well as his family, there were a large number of Old Princethorpians, current students and friends from Kenilworth Rugby Club and Stoneleigh Golf Club.

The service was a really beautiful occasion which celebrated Alex’s wonderful life. Although very upsetting, it was also tremendously uplifting to see the extended Princethorpe community coming together at this desperately sad time. Fr Alan Whelan and Fr Teddy O’Brien led the service which included prayers, hymns, music, readings and poems read by Princethorpe students and tributes from Alex’s family, his friends and the Headmaster. There was also a very moving slideshow with photographs of “Wallis” through the years. In his tribute, the Headmaster quoted from Fr Jules Chevalier, the founder of the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, who founded Princethorpe College and commented on how Alex Wallis embodied its ethos:

Ours is a spirit of family
A spirit of brotherhood
Formed by kindness and understanding
By gentleness, humility and simplicity,
By hospitality and a sense of humour.

After the service, the entire Sixth Form lined the drive of the College as a mark of respect to a true Princethorpian whose loss has been felt so deeply by so many.

After the service David and Christine, Alex’s parents, sent the following:

David, Christine and Ellie would like to take this opportunity to thank the whole Princethorpe "family" for their loving care and help in making the saddest day of our lives into the proudest day we have ever known and a tribute to "Wallis" that will remain with us forever. Alex will have been watching, we are sure of that, and would have loved every minute.

Our heartfelt thanks to you all,

The Wallis family. 

Alex Wallis will never be forgotten at Princethorpe. Our fitness suite which is currently being refurbished will be dedicated to his memory. This has been supported with donations from our Parents’ Association and the Old Princethorpians. Further donations would be welcomed. We shall also be planting a tree in his memory within the College grounds.

E D Hester

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