Memory Bank

Joe Looks Back

Joe Ruddy was at Princethorpe from 1977 to 1983. Now a Police Superintendent with operational command in the counties of Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot he looks back on his time at the College.

"For me Princethorpe was a fantastic place to grow up, but it was the people who really made it so special. I have made many friends over the years but none compare to those I had in school. In the past couple of years I met up with Jeremy Taylor, Colin Taylor and Richard Attrill. It felt as if no time had past at all and we were still best of mates. The teachers were a special breed who allowed you enough freedom to develop and become independent, but brought you back to earth when you stepped over the mark.

It was a time when health and safety didn't exist. We climbed the roofs, explored the underground heating tunnels, walked across the ice on Switzerland pond, fished dead rats out of the open air pool and then dived in straight after, broke the ice off the inside of our windows in the winter when we woke, and had massive pillow fights in the 1st year dormitory when the Sixth Form raided us from their common room below.

Life was so simple, we played sport, looked forward to watching Kenny Everett, Top of the Pops and Star Trek, and talked with our mates instead of texting. I know this sounds like rose coloured spectacles, but when I look back and see the alumni of old boys and what they have gone on to achieve in life, I really believe that the foundation provided by Princethorpe has made them the people that they are today. I know from my professional life that this might not be the experience of all past pupils, but I had a wonderful time and still live by the motto of, 'Work hard, play hard and pray hard'. It seems to have served me well so far!"

Joe and his wife Alyson live in Bridgend. They have two sons, Tom who is 20 and Alex who is 18. Joe still has ambitions to travel the world, pass his motorbike test and meet up with old friends.


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